March 13, 2018 | Annual Town Meeting

Meeting called to order: Clerk  Lita Wallace called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.  Phyllis Mead was nominated to be moderator, none opposed. The annual meeting was held at Pequaywan Firehall  with 15 residents and one non-resident present.

Reading of minutes of previous year’s annual meeting minutes: Minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting was presented and reviewed. Correction on 2017 Annual Minutes is the name of the recycling company which is Wastewood Recyclers. Motioned by Judy Strom to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Doug Nelson, none opposed, motion carried.

Board of Audit Report: posted at Pequaywan Fire Department bulletin board.

Result of Town Election – one supervisor position: Position open was for a supervisor position. There were 20 votes for Charles Kuettel and one write-in for Bonnie Dressen.

Road Report – West Branch Road repair update: (1) The county required the widening of the turnaround and refuse to plow if not done. The estimate was $23,000 but ended up with an actual bill of $15,900. (2) West Branch Road has 6 problematic spots that needed repair. KTM estimated the cost to be under $100,000.00 for raising, filling, and to black top the road. The price also includes culvert work.

Report from Pequaywan Fire & EMS: Steve Pelto reported that there were three fire calls and 8-9 medical calls. They received a grant of $247,000 from the federal government to purchase a new fire and rescue truck. They will get rid of the old fire truck by donating to another fire department that has no funds to purchase one.

Annual Board of Appeals and Equalization date: scheduled on May 9, 2018, 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. at  Pequaywan Fire Hall

Set the levy:  Lee Kaplan motioned to set the levy for taxes at $30,000 for 2019, seconded by Charles Kuettel, none opposed, motion carried. $13,500 of the levy will go towards Pequaywan Fire Department, , all yay, none opposed, motion carried.

Suggestions/discussions on possible projects for the land owned by the township in Rossini Road:  Some suggestions were (1) build a walking path with volunteer work and using wood chips; (2) spray and kill off poplar trees and plant better trees; (3) develop a community garden with accessible water (check if there is a grant we can access for fencing, electricity, top soil, contact Coop Light)

Citizen Comments: Kathy Sluka, one of the election judges, question about creating am election sign for posting outside. It was determined that the Town Board is responsible for purchasing it.

Set voting hours and place:
7:00 a.m.8:00 p.m., Primary and General Election, Pequaywan Firehall
10:00 a.m.8:00 p.m., Special Primary and Special General Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall
5:00 p.m.8:00 p.m., Township Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall

Monthly meeting date/time – Second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. at Pequaywan Firehall

Annual Meeting date/time – Second Tuesday in March following the Town Election

March monthly Town meeting following the Annual Meeting

Postings Places

  • West Branch Road sign board
  • Pequaywan Fire & EMS bulletin board
  • Pequaywan Inn bulletin board

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. by Judy Strom and seconded by Steve Pelto, all yay, none opposed, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace
Town Clerk