July 10, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chair Don Swanstrom.

Attendance: Board members: Chair Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace. Number of resident/s present: 6, Number of non-resident/s present: 1

Clerk’s Report: Minutes of June meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Mead to approve minutes, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Barnes reported the following:

JUNE 2018

Total Cash on hand as of 06/01/2018 – $255,857.70
Plus: Deposits – $218.17
Less Disbursements (June) – $914.38
Total Cash on hand as of 06/30/2018 – $255,161.49
June Check # 1347 – 1353

JULY 2018
Claims (July) – $1388.31
July Check # 1354 – 1362

Swanstrom motioned to approve June Treasurer’s Report and July Claims, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Road construction in West Branch Road – the county part is tore up, waiting to hear from the contractor when they will start construction on the township part
  • Township land – discussion on what to do with the land continues. The township would like Pequaywan Lakes Association to continue to take the lead in the discussions, suggestions, involvement, and volunteerism in any work that may be requested. Any work that will be done will have the township and the association involved. The township will request the association to communicate the information to the residents via their webpage and letter to homes both signed by the township and Pequaywan Lakes Association.With the Pequaywan Lake Association’s proposal to earmark money for walking trail and driveway,  Swanstrom motioned to authorize $2000 for expenses in the construction of a trail and cost of culvert plus installation, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried. After further discussions and determining $2000 is not enough, Kuettel motioned to amend the amount to $3000, Mead seconded, motion carried.Mead motioned to contract  Daryl Waldrif at $75 per hour to prep the driveway for the culvert installation and roughing-in of the trail. Waldrif will let the board know when that will be done.A permit is needed to put up a driveway and before a permit is issued, an address for the town property is needed.  Mead has been working with St. Louis County and other government entities on acquiring an address.
  • Tree spraying/planting – Mead mentioned that the cost for spraying will be $90 per acre and spraying will be done at the end of the summer and before leaves fall by Future Forest. A DNR Forester recommended commercial tree planting. Mead contacted DNR if there will be cost-sharing for the cost of the trees and was advised that the answer is “no” since the township does not pay taxes.
  • Frontier Communications construction – the approval letter to do construction has been mailed and will wait to hear from Frontier when construction will start on installing fiber optic.
  • St Louis County Comprehensive Land Use Plan – Mead is concerned that the county is taking away the authority of townships. He is planning to attend the meeting in August.
  • Reminder: Primary Election, Tuesday, August 14, 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
  • St. Louis County Planning and Community Development re-August Board of Adjustment, variance application for a property located in the township for review – the county is asking a resolution outlining the town’s response to the variance request. A hearing date will be set up at a later date. The board is uncertain what the county wanted the board to do since the old home was tore down and a new one being built. Mead is going to the property and talk to the workers onsite and check what they are doing.
  • MN Department of Revenue Board of Appeal and Equalization re-availability of LBAE online training – Kuettel attended the Summer Short Course last May and completed the LBAE training which is good for four years.
  • Timely reporting of training compensation and reimbursements to the treasurer – Barnes requested the board to submit any training and work hours compensation as they occur for a timely payment.
  • Public Accuracy Test/Automark – For townships with less than 500 registered voters, publication of Public Accuracy Test for the Automark in newspapers is no longer required. However, a Public Notice must be posted in the town’s posting boards.
  • Appointing Deputy Clerk – Wallace requested if the board can hire Marialice Arndt as a Deputy Clerk to cover taking minutes during her absence. Barnes mentioned that the Deputy Clerk must also be able to perform CTAS data entry and other clerk duties. However, she is only willing to take meeting minutes and not other duties. Therefore, instead of hiring a Deputy Clerk, Swanstrom motioned to hire Marialice Arndt as a substitute to take and type meeting minutes during the clerk’s absence with salary of $25 per meeting, seconded by Mead, motion carried
  • Online Election Judge Training Module – The county has a training module that clerks can use in training election judges in the amount of $9.90. Wallace is requesting use of the module to train new judges. Motioned by Mead, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.



  • Email from St.Louis Co Planning and Community Development re-August Board of Adjustment – variance application for a property located in the township for review
  • Email from MN Department of Revenue Board of Appeal and Equalization re-availability of LBAE online training
  • Information on Summer Specialized Election Training for Clerks from Minnesota Association of Townships – Wallace attended the training in May
  • Request for Assessment search from a title company

Sent: Wallace responded to the Assessment search request by the title company that the township does not conduct assessments and for them to contact St. Louis County.

Public Comments:

  • A resident inquired if it was true that DNR’s access to Pequaywan Lake will happen next year. The board responded that they never heard of it.
  • Problem of phone service in the area. Other residents commented that they don’t have a problem, others do.
  • A resident asked if the town will be getting any income. Barnes responded that the town received $18,000.00 from the county on July 3rd for tax levy which will appear in next month’s treasurer’s report.

Next Meeting:

August 14, 8:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Due to the Primary Election held on August 14 until 8:00 p.m.,, meeting will start at 8:30 p.m. or after ballots are counted and reported to St. Louis County.

Mead motioned to adjourn at 8:50 p.m., seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk