December 10, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Attendance: Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.

Guests: Lisa Klassen, Paul Klassen, Deb Pomroy, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: Wallace presented the minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on November 12, 2019. Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on hand as of 11/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $166,718.50
Plus: Deposits – $221.90
Less: Disbursements (November) – $461.07
Total Funds on hand as of 11/30/2019 – $166,479.33
November Check # 1492 – 1495

Claims (December) – $3905.00
December Check # 1496 – 1506
No Fund Transfers Needed

Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Filing of Candidacy for the 2020 Town Election runs from December 31, 2019-January 14, 2020, contact the town clerk for form or questions,, if interested to file candidacy for the supervisor position
  • Discussion on the county land purchase: the county is still waiting for approval from DNR
  • West Branch Road snow plowing: calls were received by town officers that the West Branch Road beyond the county line was not plowed during the Thanksgiving week snowstorm. The county explained that during the first snowfall, the new snowplow driver was advised to plow beyond the county/township boundary but for some reason he did not. He did plow the road during the next snowfall.
  • Short term rental:  Wallace presented Resolution 2019-010, Short Term Rental Recommendation to St. Louis County, for signature by supervisors. Swanstrom motion to approve the Resolution, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Weed Inspector Deb Pomroy provided a copy of the Weed Inspector Report to the clerk she submitted to the Department of Agriculture. She said that Pequaywan Lake Road/Rossini Road had been surveyed and that West Branch Road by the bus turn around area will need more work next year. She requested to list the Weed Inspector position opening in the March Annual Town Meeting Agenda. She said that she can train the individual and can follow her around next year. Kuettel requested her to provide a list of duties.
  • Barnes reported that he purchased two laptops for the clerk and treasurer and Microsoft Office softwares. The original price for the laptop was $1400.00 each and purchase price was $734.00 each.

New Business

  • The legislature passed a grant for upgrading M100 election equipment with deadline date of January 31, 2020 to submit the application. Wallace explained that the township owns M100 equipment which will be obsolete in the coming future and eventually, townships will have to purchase DS2000 machine at a cost of $5,000.00 and grant may not be available after January 2020. Swanstrom motioned to apply for the grant, Dressen second, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Swanstrom motioned to designate Dressen as contact for speed limit and weight restriction, Kuettel second, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Since the clerk and treasurer will be leaving the post in March 2021, Kuettel mentioned that the township should hire a deputy clerk and deputy treasurer in the next few months for training purposes.
  • Reminder to schedule the Reorganization Meeting  in March.



  • Letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department re-Public Hearing on proposed permitting standards and amendments to Zoning Ordinance 62 (Short-term Rental)
  • Letter from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) requesting input on their Education Program throughout MAT, topics for Spring Short Courses, and Webinars planned for the Presidential Nomination Primary
  • Letter from Minnesota Department of Revenue re-qualifying in filing withholding tax returns annually
  • Worker’s Compensation Renewal Invoice ($227.00) and Audit from Minnesota Association of Townships Agency
  • Letter from Minnesota Benefit Association re-offer for Medicare-eligible members and their spouses an affordable Group Medicare Supplement with Copayment (Plan N) paired with Group Medicare Blue RX (PDP) Medicare Part D plan offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office re-LBAE (Board of Appeal and Equalization) training for 2020 season from the Department of Revenue
  • Follow-up email from St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department re-sale of land to the township
  • Email from St. Louis County Auditor-Elections re-deadline for submission of Notice of 2020 Township Election
  • Email from St. Louis County Auditor-Elections re-2020 Ballot Application form
  • Email from SLCAT re-reminder of December and January meetings
  • Email from St. Louis County Auditor-Elections re Election Equipment Grant Information
  • Email from DNR re-a plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals lease in northeastern Minnesota


  • Email to St. Louis County Auditor-Election re-Notice of 2020 Township Election

Public Comment: A resident commented that at night, the Fire Department sign is not visible and suggested to put up a reflector or lit up the Fire Department sign by the road. He was advised to make the suggestion to the Fire Department.

Next Meeting, January 14, 2020, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

December 2, 2019, Special Township Board Meeting

Attendance: Clerk Lita Wallace

Guests: Dale Brooks, Douglas Dressen, Lisa Klassen, Paul Klassen, Charles Kuettel, Gordy Larson, Scott Mead, Glen Nelson, Donald Swanstrom, Ted Wallace

Meeting called to order: Clerk Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Election of a moderator: Dale Brooks and Scott Mead were nominated as Moderator. Votes were counted and Mead was elected.

Three sets of documents were provided to attendees:

  1. Public Notice of the Statement of the Town Board Calling for a Special Town Meeting;
  2. Letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department with the Proposed Revisions to St. Louis County Zoning Ordinance 62;
  3. Letter of Recommendation submitted by Pequaywan Town Board on September 17, 2019.

The Agenda states that the purpose of the Special Town Meeting were as follows: review St. Louis County’s currently proposed short term rental of properties; discuss revising the Letter of Recommendation by Pequaywan Township to St. Louis County Planning Commission; and adopting a Resolution for the Town of Pequaywan.

There was a long discussion and the attendees agreed to shorten the Recommendations to seven (7). The Town Board has to vote on it on a Resolution during the December 10th Town Board Meeting. Since there is not much time between the Town Board meeting on December 10th and the deadline date of December 12th to submit a Resolution to St. Louis County, Moderator Mead suggested to submit a Recommendation Letter with a note that a Resolution will be submitted on or before December 12th.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

November 12, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.

Guests: Bonnie Dressen, Lisa Klassen, Deb Pomroy, Scott Mead, Daryl Waldriff, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on October 8, 2019 was presented and reviewed. Motion to approve by Swanstrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report:


Total Funds on hand as of 10/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $168,852.87
Plus: Deposits – $217.44
Less: Disbursements (October) – $2,351.81
Total Funds on hand as of 10/31/2019 – $166,718.50
October Check # 1482 – 1491


Claims (November) – $461.07
November Check # 1492 – 1495
No Fund Transfers Needed

Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Update on the land purchase from St. Louis County – The county approved the special sale of the land reclassifying it as non-conservation, pending final sale approval from DNR. The Town Board approved the acquisition of the land for $5,100 plus the following fees: 3% assurance fee of $153, deed fee of $25, deed tax of $16.83, and recording fee of $46, for a total of $5,340.83 to be deposited into Fund 240 (Forfeited Tax Fund) . Motion by Swanstrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Approval of Resolution for speed and weight limit in West Branch Road owned by Pequaywan Township  as follows: weight limit limited to 35 MPH and the vehicle axle weight restricted to 7-ton. Motion  to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

New Business

  • Both Wallace and Barnes verbally advised the board that their last day will be in March 2021.
  • Request for purchase of new PCs for Treasurer and Clerk: Barnes explained that the current PCs were purchased in early 2015 and both the clerk and treasurer are having issues with them. Too slow and freezing are some of the problems. Swanstrom motioned for Barnes to purchase two new computers at an appropriate amount in his judgment that will meet the needs of the treasurer and clerk, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • FYI: Wallace and Barnes will be attending the Presidential Nomination Primary Election training on December 13 at the St. Louis County Courthouse. Wallace reported that St. Louis County Auditor’s Office capped the number of two election judges to attend the training due to space restriction. Wallace will train other election judges, when needed.
  • Wallace proposed to appoint the following as election judges for all elections in 2020: Lita Wallace, Raymond Barnes and Bonnie Dressen. Swanstrom asked if all judges are affiliated with different parties. Wallace responded yes and are affiliated with a minimum of three political parties although not required to declare what their party’s affiliation is. Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Kuettel, motion carried, 3-0-0. Wallace will create the Resolution for signature during January 2020 meeting.
  • March 2020 Township Election:  Public Notice will be posted by December 21 with more information on Township Election. Important dates:
    1. The opening is for a Supervisor position presently held by Donald Swanstrom;
    2. Candidate filing period: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 through Tuesday, January 14, 2020;
    3. Absentee voting period is Friday, February 7, 2020 through Monday, March 9, 2020
    4. Last day for voters to pre-register for March Township election is Tuesday, February 18, 2020. Voter Registration Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. by St. Louis County Auditor’s Office;
    5. The last day to appoint election judges is February 14, 2020 with a Resolution and adding that “The clerk may make election judge appointments to fill vacancies should they occur.”



  • Email from Secretary of State through Phil Chapman, Elections Supervisor, re-Notice of 2020 Presidential Nomination Primary to be conducted on March 3, 2020
  • Email and postage mail from St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department (Stacy M.C. Melcher, Senior Planner) re-board resolution passing the approval of the special sale of land to the township pending final sale approval from DNR
  • Emails from SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) with reminder for meetings from October 2019 to May 2020; October 2019 SLCAT Meeting Agenda; SLCAT Bus Reservation form for the November 2019 Annual MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) Meeting in Mankato
  • Email from MAT/MBA (Minnesota Benefit Association) re-communication changes to directly email officers by MAT sharing email addresses of officers with MBA
  • Email from St Louis County re-election training for March 3, 2020 Presidential Nomination Primary Election for clerks and election judges and also verifying that townships had passed a Resolution designating location for the March 3 election
  • Email from St Louis County Election providing registration for the March 3, 2020 election training
  • Email from MAT with registration form for the November 22-23, 2019 Educational Conference and Annual Meeting in Mankato
  • Email from St Louis County Election about the Notice of filing period and other pertinent information for the March 2020 Township election
  • Email invitation from St. Louis County for officers to attend the Multi-Hazard Mitigation (MHMP) 2nd Planning Team Meeting on December 13, 2019 in either Duluth or Virginia
  • Email from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development (Bradley Gustafson) re-the 2020 CDBG (Community Development Block Grant)
  • Letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department re-proposed revisions for Zoning Ordinance 62 (STR) dated October 15, 2019


  • Email of Pequaywan Township recommendations re-Short Term Rental to St. Louis County Commissioner Paul McDonald
  • Email to St. Louis County with completed form re-sale of land to the township

Public Comment:

  • Short Term Rental: Lisa Klassen mentioned that the county’s Planning and Community Development Department held a hearing on October 10 and are planning to have another hearing on December 12. They are requesting more input for discussion at the December meeting. Klassen also mentioned that she was advised to request Pequaywan Township to create a Resolution for submission to St. Louis County by December 10. A long discussion ensued. Swanstrom commented that since the Town Board’s job is to enforce the property structure in our township, this issue should be discussed further. Due to a time constraint between the December 10 deadline to Pequaywan Township’s meeting also on December 10, a Special Town Meeting was suggested to be scheduled before December 10. The Agenda for the Special Town Meeting will be to create a Resolution putting in place a minimum requirements for the township to govern themselves in regards to STR’s. Swanstrom will contact a MAT (MN Association of Township) attorney to help define residential zoned vs allowing generating income STR’s that are popping in the township. Information for the Special Town Meeting will be posted in official posting places.

Next Meeting, December 10, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting adjourn at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

October 8, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.

Guests: Bonnie Dressen, Eric Hofstad, Lisa Klassen, Paul Klassen, Alex Olson, Kevin Olson, Deb Pomroy, Scott Mead, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on September 10, 2019 was presented and reviewed. Motion to approve with corrections by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Total Funds on hand as of 09/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $183,883.76
Plus: Deposits – $221.22
Less: Disbursements (September) – $15,252.11
Total Funds on hand as of 09/30/2019 – $168,852.87
September Check # 1472 – 1481

Claims (October) – $2351.81
October Check # 1482 – 1491
No Fund Transfers Needed

Old Business

  • Land purchase from St. Louis County: email correspondence was sent to St. Louis County (Attn: Stacy Caldwell Melcher) by Kuettel on September 17 re-acceptance of offer to purchase the land parcel for the value around $5,100.00. As of today, no response has been received from St. Louis County.
  • Road work at West Branch Road: repair of old pavement in West Branch Road has been completed by Elmquist.
  • Short-term rental (STR): Per request from residents, Pequaywan Town Board sent a Letter of Recommendation signed by all supervisors to St. Louis County regarding STRs that applies to the township. Lisa Klassen commented that some of the recommendations by the Town Board was added by St. Louis County to its revised STR.
  • Speed limit on Pequaywan Lake Road: Dressen reported that he is still waiting for a response from St. Louis County regarding his inquiry.
  • Speed and weight limit on West Branch Road: Dressen presented a copy of the Resolution that he constructed but due to further discussions, the wording on the Resolution needs to be changed. New proposals were a speed limit of 35mph from the start of township road and change maximum weight limit to axle weight instead of tonnage.

New Business – None



  • Invoice #205819 from St. Louis County Public Works Department for 1st half of 2019-2020 Snowplowing in the amount of $1,121.25
  • Letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development re-Public Hearing for Zoning Ordinance 62 proposed Short Term Rental standards and amendments – meeting on October 10, 2019 at the St. Louis County Public Works Building, 7823 Highway 135, Virginia in the lower-level training room
  • Letter from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency re-Proposed Amendments to Rules Governing Water Quality Standards – Class 2 and Class 7 Use Designations, Minnesota Rules chapter 7050
  • Email from St. Louis County Election Department re-changes in designating a Polling Place by resolution or ordinance (Note from clerk: Resolution #2019-003, Designating a Polling Place for 2020 Election, completed in April 2019 and is posted on the township’s website)
  • Email from St.Louis County Public Works Department reminding townships that requests for any work done by St. Louis County not covered by an active “Road Maintenance Agreement” be submitted in writing yearly to include sanding, thawing culverts, grading roads, etc.
  • Email from Office of the State Auditor re-new Tax Tables updated in September 2019 to import to CTAS


  • Letter of Recommendation re-STR sent to St. Louis County
  • Form filled out, signed and returned to St. Louis County re-CDBG Program Requalification, as requested

Public Comment:

  • Picnic Shelter: Alex Olson showed a video of the construction of the Picnic Shelter from start to finish, and acquired board’s signature for Eagle Scout Application. Thank you Alex for your wonderful donation to the township!
  • Broadband Grant Project: Kevin Olson of Cooperative Light and Power reported the following:
    (a.) CLP has submitted an application for Minnesota’s Border to Border Broadband Grant ($20 Million of available funds) in September.  The grant can provide up to 50 percent of a project’s infrastructure costs (project planning, permits, construction plant and labor, installation and testing, engineering, etc.). The maximum grant amount is $5 million.  Our defined project area is known as the Cloquet Valley and
    includes the townships of North Star, Fairbanks, Ault, Pequaywan, Normanna, Alden, Lakewood, Gnesen and two unorganized townships 53-15 and 54-13. It will also include the northeast corner of Rice Lake Township and a small southern portion of Bassett Township by Fairbanks and Bassett Lake. Basically it is the Hwy. 44 corridor from Island Lake to Bassett Lake.  This fiber-to-the-home project will include
    3,459 passings and increase currently available speeds of less than 25 Mbps to an ultra-fast 1 Gbps (1,000 Mbps);
    (b.) CLP, CTC, Gnesen and CVII have developed a true partnership to bring fiber-to-the home in our service territory. Because of the organizations’ efforts, rural residents will have the opportunity to work from home, safely stay in their homes longer, and increase communication options for area businesses and residents;
    (c.) Rural electric coops are uniquely positioned to provide Internet service to their existing customer base. The current stock of incumbent Internet service providers operate on a next-dollar profit model and are unlikely ever to serve the needs of  sparsely populated rural areas.
    (d.) Although we don’t know the size and scope of the other applications, we don’t expect any to offer high speed internet to as many Minnesotans as ours which is the State’s mandate for the Grant program. Our goal is to transform CLP into an electric and broadbandservices Co-Op which will improve the lives of our members and surrounding community.
    (e.) There are currently 78 applications successfully submitted for the 2019 Border to Border Broadband Development grant.

Next Meeting, November 12, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting adjourn at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

September 10, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Charles Kuettel , Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace

Guests: Marialice  Arndt, Richard Arndt, Bonnie Drummond, Wes Haberger, Lisa Klassen, Paul Klassen, Gordy Larson, Jeffrey Maida, Greg Planting, Deb Pomroy, Charmin Thramer, Daryle Waldriff

Clerk’s Report : The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on August 13, 2019 was presented and reviewed. Motion by Swanstrom to approve the minutes, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on hand as of 08/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $176,126.36
Plus: Deposits – $8,056.35
Less: Disbursements (August) – $298.95
Total Funds on hand as of 08/31/2019 – $183,883.76
August Check # 1469 – 1471

Claims (September) – $15,252.11
September Check # 1472 – 1481
No Fund Transfers Needed

Old Business

  • Land value for tax forfeited parcel south of Rossini Rd: St. Louis County (through communication from Stacy Melcher of Land and Minerals Department) valued the sale of 4.1 acre land to Pequaywan Township at ballpark of around $5,100.00. The parcel ID is 502-0020-02725. Discussion as to whether purchase it outright or other options (1) subsidy for 30-year use plan with rough cost of $1,000.00 plus small yearly cost and with restrictions; or (2) pursue a grant. After discussions that the land is needed to get access to a future burning pit and other improvements, with no restrictions on its use, and after confirming with the treasurer that the township has funds to purchase the land, Swanstrom motion to purchase the section of the land outright from Rossini Road to the township land for $5,100.00, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Picnic Table: The picnic table built and donated by Alex Olson through his work with Boy Scouts of America Eagle Board will be installed this weekend.
  • Township property development: Dressen reported that he talked with Steve Nelson of St. Louis County Public Works and was told that the township qualifies for a grant from IRRRB in funding the construction of a Townhall Community Center on the township land. The county will contact IRRRB, help with the application, plan the building, critique, and determine the budget which will include running water, sewer and electricity. The township might need to fund about $35,000.00 of the cost.
  • Coop Light broadband: Coop Light and Power applied for a $5M grant from the State. The new program will provide 1GB fiber to the home instead of the current 7MB. Wifi supports audio compare to what we have now that only supports text. If the $5M grant is approved, Pequaywan Township will be asked to donate $500.00 given to Cloquet Valley Internet Initiative. Other neighboring townships have confirmed support of CLP’s efforts. If CLP does not get the $5M from state, there are four other possible grants available if approved. CLP expects to break ground in 2020 with completion in 2022. Dressen motion to approve the $500.00 donation to Cloquet Valley Internet Initiative, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 2-0-1.
  • Speed and weight limits for township road: Dressen spoke with Victor Lund of St. Louis County Road Department who oversees the changes in road speed limits. The township can impose change in speed and weight limits but there will be no enforcement. The proposed changes are: maximum weight limit is 7 tons per axle and speed limit is 30 mph on the West Branch Road owned by the township. The changes are done to avoid damage to the newly reconstructed road. The cost of the sign is $150.00 which can show speed and weight limits on it and will be purchased from St. Louis County. Plow trucks, emergency vehicles and garbage trucks are exempted. Dressen will compose a Resolution for the changes in maximum weight of 7 tons per axle and speed limit of 30 mph.
  • Speed limits for Pequaywan Lake Road: Residents voice concern on the danger in curved roads from oncoming cars not seen when trying to get out of driveways. Residents requested for the county to conduct a study to post caution signs on curve areas in Pequaywan Lake Road especially on those areas where driveways are on a curve.
  • West Branch Road: Kuettel reported that the old pavement in West Branch Road is starting to crack, as well as new pavement. He added that Elmquist will be able to do the work for $1,500.00. Motion by Dressen to approve $1,500.00 cost of fixing the cracks, second by Kuettel, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Township Land: Gordy Larson reported that he and Paul Klassen did some work on the township land: etched a road to get a trail up to  speed-completed 1/2 of all the trails in the wood, ripped out tree stumps, shoveled, raked and backhoed. There were no money involved except for fuel. He also reported that if the township would like to put in a culvert, the cost is $271.00. The township decided that a culvert is not needed at this time but big rocks should be put to block the road.

New Business

  • Weed Inspector: Deb Pomroy reported that a study was conducted along Rossini Road and Pequaywan Lake Road and found Tansy , Leafy Spurge, Spotted Knapweed. Along the West Branch Road township property, Tansy, Spotted Knapweed, Japanese Barberry, Common Buckthorn and Alien Honeysuckle were found. Findings will be reported to St. Louis County.



  • Mail from St. Louis County, Planning and Community Development Department re-Proposed Revision to St. Louis County Zoning Ordinance 62 (proposal to allow for the short term rental of properties through the issuance of permits in St. Louis County land use administered areas)
  • Email and correspondence from St. Louis County requesting help with processing documents to avoid loss of CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funding as required by HUD
  • Email from St. Louis County Public Works re-continuation of the Aggregate Crushing, Maintenance Striping, Crack Sealing and Chip/Scrub Sealing Programs.


  • Wallace submitted the Presidential Nominating Primary Expense Reimbursement Estimate to St. Louis County to be incurred during the Presidential Primary Election on March 3, 2020 in the amount of $1,243.70
  • Wallace also reported that the Township Final Levy Certification form for taxes payable 2020 has been submitted to St. Louis County Auditor’s Office

Public Comment:

  • Property and access/service road: Greg Planting built a pole building to replace an old one on the same location and found out afterwards that it was a roadway. Since it is a dead end road and ends in his property, he is requesting if he can vacate the road, nobody owns any property on the three sides of his property. Dressen expressed that there would be no problem cooperating if it does not interfere with anyone else and if it is in conformity with the county. Planting stated that he has a copy of the Minnesota Statute for his request and will review it.
  • Short-term rental (STR): A resident expressed concerns on short-term rentals in Pequaywan Township. She is requesting for the township’s help in sending a letter to St. Louis County that is asking communities to submit in writing concerns, comments or input regarding short term rental (STR) regulations with a deadline date of September 30, 2019. Some issues she is requesting to be covered are: classifying STRs as commercial property, limitation on the number of guests and STRs owned; restriction on renters putting their own watercraft in the lake; requiring owners to provide watercraft for renters. Dressen clarified that the township does not have any zoning authority but has taxing authority. Kuettel agreed to write a letter of suggestion regarding STR concerns by Pequaywan Lake residents.
  • Burning pit in township property is badly needed as people are dumping brush and garbage towards the end of West Branch Road.

Next Meeting, October 8, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

August 13, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Charles Kuettel.

Town Officers Present: Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, and Clerk Lita Wallace.
Town Officer Absent: Donald Swanstrom.
Guests: Bonnie Dressen, John Flanagan, Dorothy Galinski, Wes Haberger, Jim Hacking, Lee Kaplan, Paul and Lisa Klassen, Scott Mead, Deb Pomroy, Judy Strom, Tom and Kathy Sykes, Daryle Waldriff, Ted Wallace and John A. Wilson.

Clerk’s Report : The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on July 9, 2019 was presented and reviewed. Motion by Dressen to approve with correction on spelling of Swanstrom’s name, second by Kuettel, motion carried. 2-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

JULY 2019

Total Funds on hand as of 07/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $158,720.98
Plus: Deposits – $18,744.67
Less: Disbursements (July) – $1,339.29
Total Funds on hand as of 07/31/2019 – $176,126.36
July Check # 1463- 1468


Claims (August) – $298.95
August Check # 1469 – 1471
No Fund Transfers Needed

Dressen motion to approve the July Treasurer’s Report and August Claims, second by Dressen, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Old Business

  • West Branch Road Update: Kuettel reported that the project has been completed. The payment to Elmquist Sand and Gravel was for a total of $14,389.55 (original contract $13,800 + extra work $989.88; i.e., grass covering, mesh, and plant seeds). Kuettel also mentioned that there may be culverts that will need repair in the future.

New Business

  • Speed Limit – Dressen reported that to preserve the road in West Branch Road, the township can put weight restriction and/or decrease the speed limit. If driveways are 75 feet apart or closer, speed limit can go down to 35 along the county road.
  • Broadband internet service – Dressen will attend a meeting scheduled this month. Cooperative Light and Power is looking for matching funds to support the program.
  • Township Resolution webpage – Wallace reported that a new webpage for Town Resolutions was created to accommodate the increasing number of resolutions and two new resolutions were posted this month.
  • Township Final Levy Certification Form for taxes payable 2020 – Wallace reported that the form will be mailed this week. Deadline is September 30, 2019.
  • Presidential Nominating Primary Expense Reimbursement Estimate – the State of Minnesota will reimburse townships, cities and counties for all expenses incurred during the Presidential Primary Election on March 3, 2020. St Louis County is requesting an estimate of expenses. Wallace prepared an estimate in the amount of $1,243.70 which will be submitted to the county before the August 15, 2019 deadline.
  • Presidential Primary Election polling hours – March 3, 2020 at Pequaywan Firehall from 7:00 a.m. to 8::00 p.m.
  • Laptop – Barnes reported that both laptops are about five years old and are giving trouble to both the treasurer and clerk. Barnes’ laptop is too slow and Wallace is having problem with CTAS freezing every data entry.
  • Variance Request Permit Application for landowner Gregory Planting – will put on hold until supervisors can review the correspondence.


  • 2019 Minnesota Election Laws Book
  • Email from St. Louis County Election Department re-Presidential Primary Election and requesting township to submit expense reimbursement estimate for the election
  • Letter from St. Louis County Auditor’s Office with enclosure of the blank form of the Township Final Levy Certification form for taxes payable 2020. Form is due to the county by September 30, 2019.

Sent:   None

Public Comment:

  • Scott Mead discussed DNR’s plan for public access to Pequaywan Lake. A suggestion was made to pressure DNR to allow only carry-in to avoid getting the lake infested with invasive species. We must help maintain the pristine lake. Another suggestion was to create a committee that can be called “Save Our Lake Association.” Judy Strom added that Pequaywan Lake Association has been monitoring the issue.
  • Walking Trail: Lee Kaplan mentioned that the township might want in the future to consider spraying non-toxic salt pellet on the township land to kill weeds. 50 lbs would cover 100 feet.
  • Judy Strom suggested that in lieu of a burnt pile, the township can hire a chipper and residents can then bring their pile. Location will be in an area on the township land. Charge for the chipper is $200 per hour. Maybe designate a time; i.e., 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. for a total of $800.00. Pequaywan Lake Association will chip in and charge $10.00 per family. A cheaper way is suggested to have residents bring their pile, then have the chipper come on a different day to do the chipping. Kuettel was hesitant to schedule it this year due to safety issues for a vehicle with trailer as there is no place to turn around. He is waiting for the County Assessor to tell him the price of the property that the township is hoping to acquire from the county. Hopefully, by next spring.
  • Short Term Rentals:There was discussion about concerns for the quality of our lakes and disruption to neighbors and negative impact that short term rentals have in our area. Some of the suggestions were to require a buffer/privacy fence, at the rental owner’s expense. Also, to require a one week minimum stay for guests to reduce turnover and disruption to the neighborhood. St. Louis County is asking the community to submit in writing concerns, comments or input regarding short term rental (STR) regulations to: Planning and Community Development, Northland Office Center, 307 1st Street South, Suite 117, Virginia MN 55792. Deadline to submit is September 30, 2019. Contact person is Jenny Bourbonais at or 218-749-0629.

Next Meeting, September 10, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

July 9, 2019, Township Board Meeting

July 9, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Charles Kuettel.

Attendance: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Ray Barnes, Recording Secretary Marialice Arndt. Guests: Dick Arndt, Daryle Waldriff, and Scott Mead.

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting on June 11, was presented and reviewed. Motion to approve by Dressen, seconded by Swanstrom with corrections: Under Old Business add St Louis County contact is now Stacy and under Section 1: # 9350 remove 2 culverts and under section 2 #9322 add 2 culverts to stabilize. Motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

June 2019

Total Cash on hand as of 06/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $159,513.08
Plus: Deposits – $220.24
Less: Disbursements (June) – $1,012.34
Total Cash on hand as of 06/30/2019 – $158,720.96
June Check # 1456-1462

July 2019

Claims (June) – $1,339.29
July Check # 1463-1468
No Fund Transfer Needed

Dressen motion to approve the June 2019 Treasurer’s Report and the July 2019 Claims, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road: After further discussion, an agreement was reached with Nick Elmquist to proceed with his plan for project on the West Branch Road maintenance. Dressen motion to accept Nick Elmquist’s bid, second by Swanstrom. Motion carried, 3-0-0. He is expected to start soon and is to sign the agreed upon contract.
  • Resolution #2019-007: Resolution for use of motorized vehicles on township land was approved with correction. Motion by Dressen, second by Swanstrom. Motion carried, 3-0-0. Correction is to note that designated parking spaces should be excluded from the ban on motorized vehicles.

New Business

  • Distribution of funds for CTAS accounts from the 2020 Levy of $35,000 was completed with designated dollars to following funds; Total General Fund $14,000, Fire and EMS $15,000.00, Road and Bridge (ongoing maintenance) $4,000, and Road and Bridge (Capital Reserve) $2,000.00. It was noted that having funds in the General Fund allowed for more flexibility. Motion to approve the distribution of funds by Dressen and seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0.



  • Email from North Shore title requesting pending assessment information on a property in the township.
  • Email from the Department of Revenue that the online Board of Appeal and Equalization training is now available.


  • Responded to North Shore Title’s email.

Public Comment:

Maintenance of township walking trail was discussed. Tall weeds make it hard to follow trail, possible mowing by a brush mower. Kuettel advised that the county was told to use the right of way for description to delineate the possible addition to the township land.

Additional conversation is ongoing about reducing the speed limit at entrance of West Branch Road, weight restrictions to curtail lumber truck, and perhaps a survey to the citizens. Insurance coverage was discussed and noted that General Liability would be provided under MAT. It is believed that none of the supervisors are bonded.

Next Meeting, August 13, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting adjourn at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Marialice Arndt, Recording Secretary

Posted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

June 11, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chair Charles Kuettel.

Attendance: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Ray Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace. Guests: Dick Arndt, Marialiace Arndt, Deb Pomroy, Daryle Waldriff, and Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting on May 14, 2019, was presented and reviewed. Motion to approve by Swanstrom, with correction on the letter from St. Louis County re-tax forfeited land, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report:
MAY 2019
Total Cash on hand as of 05/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $161,516.27
Plus: Deposits – $215.81
Less: Disbursements (May) – $2,219.00
Total Cash on hand as of 05/31/2019 – $159,513.08
May Check # 1446 – 1455

JUNE 2019
Claims (June) – $1,012.34
June Check # 1456 – 1462
No Fund Transfers Needed

Swanstrom motion to approve the May 2019 Treasurer’s Report and the June 2019 Claims, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Update on land acquisition – Kuettel reported that they are waiting for the Assessor to physically examine the property and complete a property description. Stacy is the new contact in St. Louis County.
  • Update on township land improvements – 500 trees have been planted and a thank you is extended to everyone that helped its completion. Picnic table to be built and donated by Alex Olson will be completed in August. John Wilson had installed the bench. He is requesting if he can plant a tree behind the bench. Motion to approve for Wilson to plant a tree by Swanstrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0. Dressen reported that he talked with Steve Nelson, Senior Planner at St. Louis County, about having a dozier clean the land that will make it feasible to apply for a grant money to push the driveway further.
  • Update on West Branch Road – Work for West Branch Road are as follows:

Section 1: 195 ft ditching by #9350 500 foot (250×2) 12-18 inches shoulder with gradual slope, 56 ft retaining wall with large rock, 250 yards of gravel.
Section 2: by #9322 2 culverts for stabilization, 800 ft (400 x2 sides) 12-18 shoulder with gradual slope, 240 yards gravel.

Kuettel reported that he received two bids, one from KTM and one from Nick Elmquist. Nick Elmquist had the lowest bid for $13,400.00. Swanstrom motion to accept the bid from  Nick Ellmquist for $13,400.00 contingent upon meeting with Nick to clarify and determine that what he is planning to do is agreeable to all the town board, second by Kuettel, motion carried, 3-0-0.

The board also discussed a possible speed limit and weight restrictions in West Branch Road. Dressen will check the possibility of posting signs for these restrictions.

New Business

  • 2019 MAT Summer Specialized Training registration – Thursday, June 27, DECC – Wallace will register herself and the three supervisors with MAT.
  • Weed Inspection – Deb Pomroy will continue as Weed Inspector for the township with a salary of $20 per hour for a maximum of 10 hours and will devise a plan on areas to work on the time allotted. Weed inspection will be concentrated at the end of Rossini Road and the township property. If there is more time, she’ll work further down Rossini Road up to the boundary. Estimated completion will be later in the summer when the flowers propagate.


  • Invoice from St. Louis County for Automark Machine/Firmware Maintenance in the amount of $180.00
  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships: (1) May Newsletter – Summer Specialized Training and Legislative Update; (2) Disaster Declaration Request for 51 counties money available for road damages
  • Email from Duluth Association of Townships with Minutes of March 21 meeting
  • Email from Alex Olson that his proposal to build a picnic table at the township has been approved by the Boy Scouts of America Eagle Board of Review
  • Email from Minnesota Department of Agriculture – information on Garlic Mustard, an invasive species causing concern in the region
  • Invite from S. Census Bureau to participate in the 2020 Census New Construction Program
  • Letter from Minnesota State Demographic Center re-2018 Population and Household Estimates

Sent: None

Public Comment:

Next Meeting, July 9, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting adjourn at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk


May 14, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chair Charles Kuettel.


Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace; Absent: Supervisor Donald Swanstrom

Guests: Marialice Arndt, Richard Arndt, William Jessen, Kevin Olson, Deb Pomroy, Ted Wallace, John Wilson

Clerk’s Report :

The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on April 9, 2019, was presented and reviewed. Motion by Dressen to approve, second by Kuettel, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

APRIL 2019

Total Funds on hand as of 04/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $162,797.83
Plus: Deposits – $219.53
Less: Disbursements (April) – $1,501.09
Total Funds on hand as of 04/30/2019 – $161,516.27
April Check # 1440 – 1445

MAY 2019

Claims (May) – $2,219.00
May Check # 1446 – 1455
No Fund Transfers Needed

Kuettel motion to approve the April 2019 Treasurer’s Report and the May 2019 Claims, second by Dressen, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Old Business

  • Approval of the sale of the tax-forfeited land to the township
  • Bids on road work for washout areas at West Branch Road
  • Update on tree order – 500 trees are expected to be delivered the week of May 20. The township needs volunteers to help plant the trees as soon as it arrives. Tools for planting will be available. If you are available to help, please contact Charles Kuettel at 218-848-2436.

New Business

  • Election Judge Kathy Sluka has resigned – moved to another state



  • Letter from St. Louis County re-approval of the sale of a tax-forfeited land in the township
  • Bill in the amount of $1,121.25 from St. Louis County for second half of 2018-2019 snow plowing at West Branch Road
  • Letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department re-CDBG, HOME, and ESG Programs Requalification
  • Invitation to attend a Planning Team Meeting for the update of the 2019 St. Louis County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan on Tuesday, May 29, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in Duluth’s St. Louis County Public Safety Office in 5735 Miller Trunk Highway
  • Email from Kristin Fogard of St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department with information on the 2019 MDA Noxious Weed List
  • Email from St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office requesting to fill out a Local Mitigation Survey form
  • Copy of a letter from a resident, Bruce Sederberg, to the Land Commissioner requesting purchase of an easement from the county adjacent to a property he owns
  • Email from St. Louis County Association of Townships (SLCAT) with attachments as follows: (1) Minutes of March 27, 2019 Meeting; (2) May 22, 2019, Meeting Agenda; and (3) notice of 2019 Annual Election and Annual Meeting on May 22, 2019
  • Requests via email for information on a pending and/or levied assessments against two properties from North Shore Title Company
  • May Meeting Agenda from Duluth Association of Townships


  • Completed Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update/2019 Local Mitigation Survey form to St.Louis County Sheriff’s Office
  • Responded to emails from North Shore Title Company re-pending and/or levied assessments for two properties in the township

Public Comment:

  • Project proposal from Alex Olson (through Kevin Olson) for the town board’s approval. Alex is working on his Eagle Project for Boy Scouts and would like to build a wooden picnic table with a roof over it for the new trail on the township land by Rossini Road with no cost to the township. – Motion by Dressen to approve proposal, second by Kuettel. Alex will submit proposal to the Boy Scouts for approval and if approved, construction will begin sometime in July. Supervisors will determine the location for the picnic table.
  • John Wilson stated that the bench he is donating in honor of his father is almost done and would like to request the township to designate a spot for it at the township land in Rossini Road. The bench is made of wood and granite and measures approximately 4′ x 8′. The supervisors will determine where to place it and will most likely be in the same area as the picnic table. In addition, Wilson was given permission to drive his 4-wheeler to bring wood chips to place around the bench as it will be considered maintenance purposes.

Next Meeting: June 11, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road 

Meeting adjourn at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

April 9, 2019, Reorganization Meeting

Reorganization Meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chair Charles Kuettel.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace; Guests: Richard Arndt, Scott Mead, Ted Wallace

Clerk Wallace presented the Board with the following Resolutions that were discussed and either motioned to approve or tabled:

  • Resolution #2019-001: Appointing Vice-Chair Person on the Town Board –  motion by Kuettel for Donald Swanstrom to serve as Vice-Chair, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0
  • Resolution #2019-002: Motion by Swanstrom to approve Resolution Authorizing Treasurer to Transfer Funds to Pay Claims and Reimbursements, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0
  • Resolution #2019-003: Motion by Dressen to approve Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0
  • Resolution #2019-004: Motion to approve Resolution on Establishing Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers by Kuettel, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0
  • Resolution #2019-005: Motion to approve Information Request Form by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0
  • Resolution #2019-006: Motion to approve Resolution for State Deed Application for Tax Forfeited Land by Swanstrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0
  • Resolution for Retention Schedule – tabled
  • Resoution for Statutory Conflicts of Interest – tabled

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.