December 10, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Attendance: Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.

Guests: Lisa Klassen, Paul Klassen, Deb Pomroy, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: Wallace presented the minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on November 12, 2019. Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on hand as of 11/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $166,718.50
Plus: Deposits – $221.90
Less: Disbursements (November) – $461.07
Total Funds on hand as of 11/30/2019 – $166,479.33
November Check # 1492 – 1495

Claims (December) – $3905.00
December Check # 1496 – 1506
No Fund Transfers Needed

Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Filing of Candidacy for the 2020 Town Election runs from December 31, 2019-January 14, 2020, contact the town clerk for form or questions,, if interested to file candidacy for the supervisor position
  • Discussion on the county land purchase: the county is still waiting for approval from DNR
  • West Branch Road snow plowing: calls were received by town officers that the West Branch Road beyond the county line was not plowed during the Thanksgiving week snowstorm. The county explained that during the first snowfall, the new snowplow driver was advised to plow beyond the county/township boundary but for some reason he did not. He did plow the road during the next snowfall.
  • Short term rental:  Wallace presented Resolution 2019-010, Short Term Rental Recommendation to St. Louis County, for signature by supervisors. Swanstrom motion to approve the Resolution, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Weed Inspector Deb Pomroy provided a copy of the Weed Inspector Report to the clerk she submitted to the Department of Agriculture. She said that Pequaywan Lake Road/Rossini Road had been surveyed and that West Branch Road by the bus turn around area will need more work next year. She requested to list the Weed Inspector position opening in the March Annual Town Meeting Agenda. She said that she can train the individual and can follow her around next year. Kuettel requested her to provide a list of duties.
  • Barnes reported that he purchased two laptops for the clerk and treasurer and Microsoft Office softwares. The original price for the laptop was $1400.00 each and purchase price was $734.00 each.

New Business

  • The legislature passed a grant for upgrading M100 election equipment with deadline date of January 31, 2020 to submit the application. Wallace explained that the township owns M100 equipment which will be obsolete in the coming future and eventually, townships will have to purchase DS2000 machine at a cost of $5,000.00 and grant may not be available after January 2020. Swanstrom motioned to apply for the grant, Dressen second, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Swanstrom motioned to designate Dressen as contact for speed limit and weight restriction, Kuettel second, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Since the clerk and treasurer will be leaving the post in March 2021, Kuettel mentioned that the township should hire a deputy clerk and deputy treasurer in the next few months for training purposes.
  • Reminder to schedule the Reorganization Meeting  in March.



  • Letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department re-Public Hearing on proposed permitting standards and amendments to Zoning Ordinance 62 (Short-term Rental)
  • Letter from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) requesting input on their Education Program throughout MAT, topics for Spring Short Courses, and Webinars planned for the Presidential Nomination Primary
  • Letter from Minnesota Department of Revenue re-qualifying in filing withholding tax returns annually
  • Worker’s Compensation Renewal Invoice ($227.00) and Audit from Minnesota Association of Townships Agency
  • Letter from Minnesota Benefit Association re-offer for Medicare-eligible members and their spouses an affordable Group Medicare Supplement with Copayment (Plan N) paired with Group Medicare Blue RX (PDP) Medicare Part D plan offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office re-LBAE (Board of Appeal and Equalization) training for 2020 season from the Department of Revenue
  • Follow-up email from St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department re-sale of land to the township
  • Email from St. Louis County Auditor-Elections re-deadline for submission of Notice of 2020 Township Election
  • Email from St. Louis County Auditor-Elections re-2020 Ballot Application form
  • Email from SLCAT re-reminder of December and January meetings
  • Email from St. Louis County Auditor-Elections re Election Equipment Grant Information
  • Email from DNR re-a plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals lease in northeastern Minnesota


  • Email to St. Louis County Auditor-Election re-Notice of 2020 Township Election

Public Comment: A resident commented that at night, the Fire Department sign is not visible and suggested to put up a reflector or lit up the Fire Department sign by the road. He was advised to make the suggestion to the Fire Department.

Next Meeting, January 14, 2020, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk