April 12, 2021 Township Board Meeting via teleconference

Meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Charles Kuettel

Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Don Swanstrom, clerk Amber Cruz, deputy clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Lynne Scalzo and deputy treasurer Raymond Barnes.
Guests: John Wilson

 Clerk’s Report
Since the meeting was conducted via teleconference, the supervisors read the March 9, 2021 minutes from the town webpage. Motion to accept the minutes was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-0-0. Board of Canvass minutes were also read from the town webpage. Motion to accept the Board of Canvass minutes was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-0-0.

 Treasurer’s Report
MARCH 2021
Total Funds on hand as of 03/01/2021 (Includes Investments) – $166,038.41
Plus: Deposits – $2,773.68
Forfeited Tax Sale Apportionments – $2,653.90
Interest on Accounts – $119.78
Less: Disbursements (March) – $2,763.60
Payroll – $2,091.22
Officer Life Insurance – $229.00
Other Expenses – $443.38
Total Funds on hand as of 03/31/2021 – $166,048.49
March Check # 1636 – 1651

April 2021
Total Disbursements – $3,478.09
Payroll (April) – $1,096.96
Claims (April) – $2,381.13
April Check # 1652 – 1667
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.

 Old Business

  • West Branch Road update: There are areas with bad cracking of the road that need to be repaired. Board is requesting that Nick Elmquist inspect the road and submit a bid for the repairs by the May Board meeting. Motion to have Nick Elmquist submit a bid was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-0-0
  • Update on the request to vacate part of the River Road easement: The Board is to contact the Minnesota Association of Townships as well as St. Louis County on having a special meeting to vote on the vacating of the easement and to set a resolution. Owners of the property will need to be present. Motion to set-up a special meeting to be held in May provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-0-0
  • Minnesota Association of Townships was contacted about record retention for public notices found on the township website. Old public notices can be deleted as there are hard copies of the notices available. All old election training materials have been shredded. A new filing cabinet has been purchased and installed.
  • Reminder-Reorganizational meeting to follow Township Board meeting
  • Reminder-LBAE (Local Board of Appeal and Equalization) meeting on May 5, 2021, from 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

New Business

  • Oath of office conducted 3/20/21 for elected supervisor Charles Kuettel
  • The May Township Board meeting will be held via teleconference. Motion to hold the meeting via teleconference was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kettel, motion carried 2-0-0
  • Motion to have the clerk Amber Cruz, create an account on freeconferencecall.com and become the host for all teleconference meetings was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-0-0
  • Website update from Daisy Wallace. IT web support, a new Theme for the website had been created and replaced so you will notice a change in the appearance.


  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) for Spring Short Course and Registration information
  • Email from Local Boards of Appeal & Equalization (LBAE) on the LBAE 2021 Assessment for Taxes Payable 2022
  • Email from Susan Van Norman of St Louis County Government on a Covid-19 vaccination eligibility update that those all those 65+ and unpaid essential caregivers, food service, fast food, bar and restaurant workers, and grocery and convenience store workers, postal and mail delivery workers, are now eligible for vaccination.
  • Invoice from St Louis County for Automark machine maintenance for $180.00
  • Emails from Cathy Rouleau from St Louis County Association of Townships (SLCAT) (1) minutes for the February 24, 2021 meeting; and (2) March 24, 2021 meeting agenda
  • Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) March 2021 newsletter
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace for township monthly web maintenance in the amount of $37.50
  • Email containing the sales book for the LBAE meeting from Joe Odell, Residential Appraiser for St. Louis County Assessors Department


  • List of officers emailed to St Louis County Elections, and Minnesota Association of Townships
  • Delivered March 2021 town election materials to St. Louis County Elections

Public Comment:

  • John Wilson seeks help in getting a 66′ easement from the DNR on the first segment of Moose Lk. Road off Highway 44. Mr. Wilson was requested to get clarification from the state on what role the township is to play, and if a resolution would be efficient. It was also requested of Mr. Wilson to provide a document or letter on what needs to be done for the easement. Supervisors Kuettel and Swanstrom are to do a walk through of the location on April 15, 2021. This is to be readdressed at the May Board meeting.

Next Meeting May 11, 2021, 7:30 p.m. via teleconference

Kuettel adjourned the meeting at 8:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by
Amber Cruz, Clerk