May 11, 2021 Township Board Meeting via teleconference

Meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm. by Charles Kuettel

Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Don Swanstrom, supervisor Doug Dressen, clerk Amber Cruz, deputy clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Lynne Scalzo and deputy treasurer Raymond Barnes
Guests: Gregor Planting, Scott Mead, Ron Lake and Judy Strom

Clerk’s Report
Since the meeting was conducted via teleconference, the supervisors read the April 13, 2021 minutes and the Reorganizational meeting minutes from the town webpage. Motion to accept the April minutes was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 3-0-0. Motion to accept the Reorganizational minutes was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report
APRIL 2021

Total Funds on hand as of 04/01/2021 (Includes Investments) -$166,048.49
Plus: Deposits (April) – $131.00
Interest on Accounts – $131.00
Less: Disbursements (April) – $3,478.09
Payroll – $1,096.96
Automark Machine – $180.00
Employer’s Federal Tax Form 941 – 1st Qtr:  $1,806.18
Other Expenses – $394.95
Total Funds on hand as of 04/30/2021 – $162,701.40
April Check # 1652 – 1667

MAY 2021
Claims (May) – $2,366.63
May Check # 1668 – 1677
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.

 Old Business

  • Update on the West Branch road. Nick Elmquist is inspecting the road over the course of the next few weeks. He is to submit a report and estimate for the June township board meeting.
  • It has been requested of residents, Thramer and Planting, to have the county provide proof that the river road is indeed under the township. The township will only get involved upon proof the road is a township road.
  • Update for the 66’ easement on Moose Lake road. Supervisors Kuettel and Swanstrom inspected Moose Lake road. It is to be on record, John Wilson has stated that he will pay all expenses and maintenance. He will continue to do so until all the lots have sold. Upon that happening, the expenses and maintenance will transfer to the new landowners. Wilson is still waiting to hear from the county on full clarification and if the township needs to be involved with ownership.
  • Resolution for compensation, update. Lynne Scalzo is to look further into comparable townships and their compensation. This will be revisited at the June township board meeting.

New Business

  • Tree/Branch disposal for 2021 is to be held from 10 am to 2 pm on June 19, July 17 and August 21 at the township property, weather permitting. The requirements are as follows: the maximum diameter is 10 inches or less, branches must be delimbed/separated from the trunk, and no rotting/decayed wood allowed.
  • It is stressed that there is an increased fire danger in the Pequaywan area. It is highly recommended that dead trees and brush be cleared from properties to try and lesson the fire danger. There was a fire in Pequaywan on 5/08/21 that burned 10 acres. This fire had the potential to be much worse.
  • The location for future meetings is to be at the Pequaywan firehall. There will be the option of attending via teleconference. For all who attend in person, social distancing guidelines will be followed, and masks will be required at this time.
  • There is a St Louis County Planning Commission meeting June 10, 2021 on the application for a conditional use permit for property located at 9038 West Branch Road


  • Email from Katherine Brey from the St Louis County Assessor’s Office containing the 2021 Assessment Book for Pequaywan
  • Email from Joell Odell of the St Louis County Assessor’s Office on updates for the Local Board of Appeals and Equalization (LBAE) meeting that was held on May 5, 2021.
  • Email from Vaughn Larson about their property’s valuation notice
  • Email from the Minnesota Association of Townships – Legislative update and advocacy alert
  • Email from Kathy Rouleau of the St Louis County Association of Townships reminding about the meeting held on April 28, 2021.
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace for the total of $157.50 for the township website maintenance
  • Invoice from St Louis County Public Works Department for the total of $1121.25 for the AR snowplowing 2020-2021 2nd half billing
  • Minnesota Association of Townships newsletter for April 2021
  • Email from Charmin Thramer regarding the vacating of the River Road easement.
  • Email from North Shore Title wanting information regarding pending or levied assessments against a property on Pinewood Road.
  • Email from Angela Lepak of St Louis County Planning and Community Development regarding an application for a conditional use permit located within Pequaywan Township.
  • Email from Joell Odell of the St Louis County Assessor’s Office with the minutes for the LBAE meeting that was held May 5, 2021.
  • Email from Charmin Thramer regarding the request to vacate the River Road easement


  • Email to Joell Odell of the St Louis County Assessor’s Office with the teleconference information for the meeting held May 5, 2021.
  • Email to North Shore Title on the request for information on property located on Pinewood Road.
  • Email containing the Certification Form for the LBAE meeting that was held on May 5, 2021, to Joe Odell of the St Louis County Assessor’s Office
  • Email and phone call to Ron Lake about property located on Pinewood Road.
  • Email to John Wilson regarding the request for an easement on Moose Lake Road
  • Email to Charmine Thramer regarding the request for vacating an easement on River Road.

Public Comment

  • Ron Lake requested permission of the township to extend/create road access to his property off Pinewood road. He was informed that the township has no issue with his plan to extend/create road access.
  • Scott Mead, representing the Garden Club, requested township permission to plant a tree and install a plaque on township land, in remembrance of Marylin. Permission was granted under the condition that the plaque be small. Mead will meet with the supervisors to designate a location on the township land.

Next Meeting June 8, 2021 at the Pequaywan firehall with the additional option of attending via teleconference.

Motion to adjourn was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0

Kuettel adjourned the meeting at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Amber Cruz, Clerk