Meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm. by Charles Kuettel
Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Doug Dressen, clerk Amber Cruz, deputy clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Lynne Scalzo and deputy treasurer Raymond Barnes
Guests: Ted Wallace, Richard Arndt and Maryalice Arndt
Clerk’s Report
Copies of the May board meeting minutes were provided to all who attended. An update to the ‘old business’ section on the Moose Lake easement was made. The following was added: ‘and if township needs to be involved in ownership.’. A motion to accept the changes and the corrected minutes was made by Swanstrom. Dressen seconded the motion, motion carried 3-0-0
Treasurer’s Report
MAY 2021
Total Funds on hand as of 05/01/2021 (Includes Investments) – $162,701.40
Plus: Deposits (May) – $127.71
Interest on Accounts – $127.72
Less: Disbursements (May) – $2,366.63
Payroll – $778.87
2nd Half Snow Plowing – $1,121.25
Website Administration – $157.50
File Cabinet – 211.21
Other Expenses – $97.80
Total Funds on hand as of 05/31/2021 – $160,517.89
May Check # 1668 – 1677
JUNE 2021
Claims (June) – $1,544.12
June Check # 1678 – 1688
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.
Motion to accept treasurer’s report was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 3-0-0
Old Business
- Update on West Branch road. Nick Elmquist inspected and proposed the township work in two areas first. Gave an estimate of $350 for labor and materials. He will re-evaluate in late August/early September. A motion to accept Nick’s estimate for minor repairs was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0. A motion to reimburse Nick for $400 in gravel for burn area was requested by Kuettel. The motion was provided by Swanstrom. Dressen seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0-0.
- Update on the River road easement. Lita Wallace researched and could not locate any documents or information relating to the River road easement. Kuettel talked to Greg Planting and was informed that Planting has not yet heard from the county. The township and Planting will wait to hear more from the county before any more action is taken.
- Resolution for compensation update. The motion to increase the meeting pay to $50 for each meeting and to keep the rest of the compensation the same was requested by Kuettel. The motion was provided by Dressen and seconded by Swanstrom. Motion carried 3-0-0
New Business
- Future MAT training available. LBAE training needs to be completed by Swanstrom in June.
- Motion to have Daisy Wallace create an administrator email account for the website was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Dressen. Motion carried 3-0-0
- For file retention, any deeds should be kept permanently in a fireproof storage. A motion to purchase a fireproof envelope for file retention was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Dressen. Motion carried 3-0-0
- Email containing the revised minutes for the 2021 LBAE
- Email from Susan Van Norman from St. Louis County Public Health containing the weekly newsletter as well as the new state and CDC covid guidelines
- Email with the Minnesota Opportunity Collaborative Webinar Series 2021 information
- Email with the monthly newsletter from the Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT)
- Letter from Minnesota Department of Revenue with a demand for missing withholding tax return
- Email from Michelle Claviter-Tveit of the St Louis County Planning and Community Development with a reminder and information on the Planning Commission hearing for June 10, 2021
- Email from the Minnesota Office of State Auditor with a notice of CTAS update
- Email from MAT with an Advocacy Alert
- Email from Cathy Rouleau from St. Louis County Association of Townships (SLCAT) with the access code for the annual meeting on May 26, 2021
- Letter from the SCLAT with information on the May 26, 2021 meeting as well as the 2020 Annual meeting minutes
- Email from Paul McDonald of St Louis County on the county’s new launch of online permitting for septic systems
- Invoice from Daisy Wallace for website administration in the total of $37.92
- Email from Teresa Hirsch of St Louis County Public Works- Maintenance Division with the results of the calcium chloride dust control bid for 2021
- Email from MAT containing information on the American Rescue Plan Act
- Email from Daisy Wallace with a request to add to the agenda
- Letter from the St Louis County Attorney’s Office containing a newsletter
- Letter from MAT containing MAT Official Membership cards for board members
- Email to SCLAT informing them of the change in clerk address
- Letters of results to residents that submitted appeals for the LBAE meeting
- Letter to MAT requesting 2 more membership cards
Public Comment
There was no public comment
Next Meeting July 13, 2021 at the Pequaywan firehall with the additional option of attending via teleconference.
Motion to adjourn was provided by Swanstrom and seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
Kuettel adjourned the meeting at 8:49 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Amber Cruz, clerk