July 13, 2021 Township Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. by Charles Kuettel.
Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Doug Dressen, clerk Amber Cruz, deputy clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Lynne Scalzo and deputy treasurer Raymond Barnes
Guests: Ted Wallace, Sue Johnson, and Carol Nelson.
Clerk’s Report
Copies of the June board meeting minutes were provided to all who attended. An update to the ‘old business’ section on the West Branch rd portion was made. The following was changed: the original total of $300 was changed to $350. A motion to accept the changes and the corrected minutes was made by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0
Treasurer’s Report
June 2021
Total Funds on hand as of 06/01/2021 (Includes Investments) – $160,462.48
Plus Deposits (June) – $131.29
Interest on Accounts – $131.29
Less Disbursements (June) – $1,544.12
Payroll – $1,436.05
Website Administration – $37.92
Other Expenses – $70.15
Total Funds on hand as of 06/30/2021 – $159,049.65
June Check # 1678 – 1688
July 2021
Claims (July) – $1,229.08
July Check # 1689 – 1697
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
New Business
- Update on opening for township treasurer position: Carol Nelson is interested in the position and will begin training in the treasurer position. A motion to approve Nelson for training was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
- Road access approval is needed from the Township road supervisor for Sue Johnson’s property, Little Cloquet Cove, located at 9028 West Branch road. The approval is to be on-file with St. Louis County. The clerk is to write a letter of approval granting access to the Little Cloquet Cove. This will then be signed by the Board Chair. Motion to approve the letter was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
- Application for Variance was submitted by Donald King to St Louis County. A Application for Variance meeting is to be held on August 12, 2021 and the County is asking for the township’s comments. The clerk is to write a letter to the county stating that the township approves of the structure. A motion to approve the structure and letter of approval was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
- The American Rescue Plan Act will be looked into further by Kuettel
- Deputy clerk Lita Wallace turned in her laptop, which was in turn given to Carol Nelson for treasurer training.
- A motion to train the clerk Amber Cruz further in CTAS was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
Old Business
- Update on West Branch road: Nick Elmquist will have the repairs completed by winter
- Update on tree/branch disposal: In June a total of 25 loads were disposed of. Richard Arndt has been volunteering to run the disposal. The next disposal date is July 17, 2021 (weather permitting)
- Update on Minnesota Department of Revenue’s demand for missing withholding tax return: it was submitted
- Email from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development on the CDBG citizen advisory committee opening
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) about a webinar on requesting American Rescue Plan Act funds
- Email from Judith Strom with information on the tree disposal posted on the Lake Association website
- Email from MAT pertaining to the retirement of the Finance Director
- Email from MAT with important information from Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) on American Rescue Plan Act funds
- Email from MAT containing the June 2021 newsletter
- Email from Sue Johnson regarding the approval of her conditional permit
- Email from Donald Rigney of St. Louis County Planning Commission on the approval of a conditional use permit for 9028 West Branch road
- Email from Sue Johnson requesting approval of road access for 9028 West Branch road to be on-file with St. Louis County
- Email from Pequaywan Township treasurer Lynne Scalzo containing her resignation of township treasurer
- Email from Lora Skarman of St. Louis County Assessor’s Office about upcoming changes to the Board of Appeal and Equalization training
- Invoice of $45.00 from Daisy Wallace for website administration
- Email from Lora Skarman of St. Louis County Assessor’s Office on Minnesota Department of Revenue Board of Appeal and Equalization updated online training for the 2022 appeals season
- Letter from the IRS for address change
- Email from Michelle Claviter-Tveit of St. Louis County Planning and Community Development on a application of variance received by the county
- Invoices from Nick Elmquist in the amounts of $400 and $350 for road repairs
- Forwarded letter received from St. Louis County Attorney’s Office that was intended for North Star township
- Emal to Sue Johnson pertaining to her conditional use permit approval and the need to attend the July Township Board meeting
Public Comment
There was no public comment
Next Meeting August 10, 2021 at the Pequaywan firehall with the additional option of attending via teleconference
Motion to adjourn was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0
Kuettel adjourned the meeting at 8:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Amber Cruz, clerk