August 10, 2021 Township Board Meeting Minutes

August 10, 2021 Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Charles Kuettel.


Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Doug Dressen, clerk Amber Cruz, deputy clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Lynne Scalzo and deputy treasurer Raymond Barnes
Guests: Ted Wallace and Carol Nelson

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the July board meeting minutes were provided to all who attended. An update to the “new business” section was made. Donald King was added to the Application for Variance portion. A motion to accept the changes and the corrected minutes was made by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0

Treasurer’s Report

July 2021
Total Funds on hand as of 07/01/2021 (Includes Investments)  $159,049.65    Plus: Deposits (July)                                                                                       $26,110.34
May/June Tax Apportionment                                          $25,155.87
General Fund                                      $6,924.96
Roads/Bridge Maint. Fund           $6,943.29
Fire Protection                                   $9,534.96
Roads/Bridge Capital Fund           $1,752.66
State of MN Town Aide                                                         $826.50
Interest on Accounts                                                              $127.97
Less: Disbursements (July)                                                                           $1,229.08
Payroll                                                                                         $527.86
Website Administration                                                      $45.00
Payroll Federal Withholding (Form 941)                    $545.22
Other Expenses                                                                       $110.00
Total Funds on hand as of 07/31/2021                                                    $183,930.91    July Check # 1689-1697

August 2021
Claims (August)          $1,414.86
August Check # 1698-1706
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed

Motion to accept the treasurers report was made by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Rd: Repairs were completed. There will be a new bid placed to do more repairs before the winter season
  • Update on the American Rescue Plan: The township doesn’t meet all the qualifications for the ARP.
  • Update on the Board of Appeal and Equalization training: Swanstrom will be taking the training in the near future, as the online training is now available
  • Update on the open treasurer position: Carol Nelson has completed her training and is ready to assume the role of treasurer. Nelson needs to be added to the township bank accounts. A motion to approve Nelson as treasurer and to be added to the township accounts was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0

New Business

  • During the July 31, 2021 tree disposal/drop off that was added due to extreme weather, a total of 29 loads were brought in. Many residents stated they will be back for the August tree disposal/drop off.
  • Jim Stewart has asked the township for assistance in working with the county on the snow removal near/on his property. Plows have been damaging his property during the snow plowing season by not using the existing turn-around. Kuettel, Dressen and Swanstrom will meet with Stewart on Saturday August 14 at 1 p.m. to look at property. The county will then be contacted to set up a time to meet and discuss a solution.
  • Location of the September Township Board meeting will still be held at the firehall. The location will be reassessed 2 weeks prior to September 14, 2021 Township Board meeting. Any changes in location will be made at that time in accordance with Minnesota Association of Townships and the state of Minnesota.


  • Emailed July 2021 newsletter from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT)
  • Email from Office of State Auditor – Government Information Division on updated CTAS new account codes
  • Email from St Louis County containing the St Louis County broadband newsletter
  • Email from Amanda Mitchell, information specialist with the St Louis County Public Works on the county maintenance programs – 2022
  • Email from Michelle Claviter-Tveit of the St Louis County Planning and Community Development about the Board of Adjustment hearing information for August 12, 2021
  • Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County on the 2021 State Election laws
  • Email from Lisa Sweet of the St Louis County Auditor- Elections on initial clerk certification/training
  • Email from Brad Gustafson of the St Louis County Government Services Center on housing assistance availability
  • Package from Nancy Nilsen of the St Louis County Auditor containing the 2021 Minnesota Election Laws
  • Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County on the updates to the Election laws
  • Email from Lora Skarman of St Louis County Assessor’s Office with a reminder on the Board of Appeals and Equalization training/update
  • Email from St Louis County containing the St Louis County August Broadband newsletter


  • Letter/email to Michelle Clavier-Tveit of the St Louis County Planning and Community Development containing the Township’s stance on the Application for Variance for 8896 West Branch road
  • Letter to Don Rigney of the St Louis County Planning and Development with the Township’s motion to approve road access for 9028 West Branch road

Public Comment

There was no public comment

Next Meeting September 14, 2021 at the Pequaywan firehall with the additional option of attending via teleconference. The location will be reassessed 2 weeks prior to September 14, 2021 Township Board meeting. Any changes in location will be made at that time in accordance with Minnesota Association of Townships and the state of Minnesota.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0

Kuettel adjourned the meeting at 8:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Amber Cruz, clerk