Present: Supervisors Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, & Scott Mead, Treasurer, Keith Stoneburner, Clerk, Maryalice Arndt
7 township residents present
Next meeting set for Sept 9, 2008
Old business:
Condition of the West Branch: KTM Paving was to come out to look at the road and get in touch with Rick, but he has not heard from them yet.
Old Resort update: Was mentioned by Rick that perhaps one building has sold.
Issue of defining the right-of-way of road the last ½ to ¾ mile of West Branch road: A resident in that area of the last ½ to ¾ mile came to the board and asked for assistance and direction in dealing with issues with another resident in the last ½ to ¾ mile area. The board directed him to deal with his personal attorney and involve the Sheriff Dept if needed. The board will draft a letter regarding the parking personal items on the road.
Water level of the lakes: Scott suggested putting up some permanent markers on the lakes to monitor the water level. Scott is going to contact Amy Loiselle to get some feedback regarding the water level.
New business:
WLSSD recycling program with 2 containers – they would like to know if we are interested.
Scott brought up the issue of low cell phone coverage in the area. He will contact AT&T to see if they are interested in putting a tower in the area.
A resident asked about the ditches being mowed. Reply was that it is a county issue.
Meeting adjourned by Mark, 2nd by Scott.
OUT OF MEETING NOTATION: Due to the Primary election scheduled to be held September 9th, 2008, townships are not allowed to hold meetings between 6pm – 8pm. Therefore the September 9th township meeting will begin at 8:15 for this meeting only.