The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Chair Scott Mead.
Attendance: Supervisors Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace. Number of resident/s present –3; Number of non-resident/s present – 2
Clerk’s Report – Scott motioned to approve January 2017 minutes, second by Lee, motion carried. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay)
Treasurer’s Report
$261,454.89 – Cash on hand as of December 31, 2016
$ 532.20 – Deposits
$ 15,212.57 – Expenditures (includes $13,500 for Pequaywan Fire Department)
$246,774.52– Cash on hand as of January 31, 2017
Motioned to approve by Lee, seconded by Scott, motion carried. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay), motion carried.
Old Business
Widening West Branch Road – Scott had previously met with Steve Tverberg of St. Louis County Public Works Department and were advised that the banks need to be cut back so they can have a place to push snow. Banks need to be dug out, trees taken out and roots disposed off. Stumps maybe put on the side of the road as long as it does not damage the wetlands. Scott also met with Nick Elmquist and, based on that meeting, he estimates a ballpark cost could amount to $30,000.00, on the high end. The amount will include removal of trees, hauling in gravel and filling. The areas are on the right-of-way but property owners need to be involved, as trees on their properties will be affected.
Clearing dead trees from township land – aside from dead trees, poplar and other undesirable trees will need to be cleared. St. Louis County previously informed us that they will give us permit entry on the wedge of land that they administer on behalf of the state and they will also mark the east boundary. However, since they determined that the timber has an estimated value of $1078.00, they want us to pay them $1078.00. This was not mentioned during the last few months discussion with them and this is something we will not do. Don suggested that since the land is a very small wedge, we should offer to buy it for $1,078.00. Another option is to figure out a different entry. We should also try to have a contract completed with Beth Peterson to mark the East boundary. Scott will contact Randy Roff of St. Louis County to offer the purchase of the wedge for $1,078.00.
Township Election – March 14, 2017, 5:00-8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department
Township Election Candidate Update: Opening for one supervisor and treasurer. Don Swanstrom submitted candidacy for supervisor position and no one submitted candidacy for treasurer. Option B will be on the ballot to allow the supervisors to appoint the treasurer.
Discussion on possibility of moving the funds from CapitalOne to Superior Choice Credit Union
New Business
February 15, county assessor notified township clerks of forthcoming dates for meetings of Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE). MS § 274.01 – Pequaywan Township is scheduled on April 26, 2017, 5:00-6:00 p.m., at Pequaywan Fire Department
Annual Township Meeting – March 14, 2017, estimated 8:30 p.m. after the Town Election
Township Board Meeting – March 14, 2017, estimated 9:00 p.m. after the Annual Township Meeting
March 11 – Pequaywan Town Clerk open office for absentee voting from 10 am until 12 noon. MS § 203B.085. Contact town clerk at or 218-525-4068 for location.
MN State Auditors Office – reminder that 2016 Financial Reporting Form is due March 31, 2017 – CTAS reports are reconciled for both treasurer and clerk and is ready for submission. Kim will submit it.
St. Louis County – 2016 Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness due February 3, 2017 – mailed out in January
MN State Auditors Office – Notice that CTAS software update is available – both laptops (treasurer and clerk) have been updated. There is no cost since we paid a one-time fee for the software
Linda Britton – Notice of additional $20 DAT dues ($40/year starting in 2017)
MN Benefit Association statement for life insurance due April 1 – payment will be mailed after the March 14 election to reflect new officer
Flyer from MAT for Spring Short Courses, registration is $50 each – training offered does not apply to anyone so nobody is attending
- 2016 Local Government Lobbying Form
- Outstanding Indebtedness Form
- W-2/W-3 Forms to Social Security Administration and State of Minnesota
- Employees W-2 Employee Wage and Tax Statement
Claims and Payroll: Checks #1115 to 1119 in the total amount of $1,997.14
Next Meeting: March 14, 2017, 9:00 p.m. (after the Annual Meeting), Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Motioned to Adjourn at 8:00 p.m. by Scott, second by Don, motion carried. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay)
Respectfully submitted
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk