January 10, 2017 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Chair Scott Mead.

AttendanceSupervisors Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace. Number of resident/s present – 4; Number of non-resident/s present – 2

Clerk’s Report  – Scott motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Lee, motion carried. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay)

Treasurer’s Report

  • Review of 2016 finances and budget for 2017
  • $257,305.98 – Cash on hand as of November 30
    $     6,420.42 – Deposits
    $     2,271.51 – Expenditures
    $261,454.89– Cash on hand as of December 31
    Motioned to approve by Lee, seconded by Don, motion carried. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay).

Old Business

  • Form 941 – quarterly (vs. monthly) reporting is still applicable – township with less than $2500 quarterly tax liability, such as Pequaywan township, can continue to send quarterly distribution
  • Treasurer position opening – the township needs a qualified individual to perform the duties of a treasurer. A notice had been sent out but there was no response. The opening was also posted on the township webpage. We may have to recourse to Option B as we did with the clerk position. Ray Barnes of North Star Township had served as their treasurer for a few years now. If Option B passes on the ballot, he is willing to take on the position.
  • Logging on the Township land – Seeking assistance from St. Louis County to take care of getting permit from the state for access to a piece of land between Rossini and the township land.  Beth Peterson’s hourly rate is $27.38 per hour. More discussion later if the township will hire Beth and at what rate.

New Business

  • Updated Timesheet/Expense Report Forms – updated to include 2017 mileage rates
  • 2016 W2 Forms – will be available end of January
  • Absentee ballot – contact Town Clerk Lita Wallace, peqclerk@gmail.com or 218-525-4068
  • Tuesday, January 17, 2017 – last day for Candidate filing period, Clerk’s Office at 3081 Little Cloquet River Road, Duluth, will be open from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm



  • Social Security Administration – 2016 W2 filing reminder
  • MAT – Notice on Board of Equalization and Clerk Training
  • Linda Britton – Notice of $20 DAT dues
  • MN Dept of Ag (MDA) – mandatory annual report (MN Statute 18.81) on noxious weed concerns and needs of counties/townships due 1/15/17
  • St Louis County Assessor’s Office – submission of LBAE training certificate due 2/1/17
  • Minnesota Township Insider Magazine with 2017 Township Calendar
  • MAT – Consolidated Liability Insurance Premium Notice for $973.00
  • State of MN Secretary of State – Example Ballot requirements for March Township Election


  • 4Q 2016 MN Unemployment Report
  • 4Q Form 941
  • MN Dept of Ag form on noxious weed concerns

Claims and Payroll:  Checks #1111 to 1114 in the total amount of $15,212.57


  • A resident suggested to hire a private citizen to plow snow in West Branch Road. Scott explained that if the township hires an individual to plow  snow and later on no longer be able to do the work, the township will then end up not having anyone to plow the road as the county will not do it anymore.
  • Dale Brooks, Pequaywan Fire Chief, provided a report on the activities and financials of the Fire Department in 2016. The Fire Department is again requesting $13,500 proposed funding for 2018. Motion to approve by Lee, second by Don, motion approved. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay)

Next Meeting:

February 14, 2017, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motioned to Adjourn at 8:25 p.m. by Lee, seconded by Don, motion carried. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay).

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk