January 10, 2023 Township Board Meeting Minutes
Pequaywan Fire Hall
8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Duluth, MN 55803
Meeting was called to order by Charles Kuettel at 7:05 pm.
Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Treasurer Ed Potter, Clerk Amber Cruz, and Deputy Clerk Diana Potter
Guests: Dale Brooks, Dan Ahonen, Steve Mueller and Darryl Waldriff
Clerk’s Report
December 13, 2022 Minutes for approval. A motion for approval was provided by Swanstrom. Dressen Seconded the motion, the motion carried 3-0-0
Treasurer’s Report
December 2022
Total Funds on hand as of 12/02/2022 (including investments) $236,976.05
Plus: Deposits $892.78
Interests on Accounts $64.78
State of MN – Township Aid $828.00
Less: Disbursements $2359.34
Payroll $1878.64
MATIT- WC Policy $267.00
Other Expenses $213.70
Total Funds on hand as of 12/31/2022 $235,509.49
December checks written #1842 – 1854
January 2023
Taconite Production Tax
Balance of Tax Apportionment
Disbursements: $18093.86
Checks Written # 1855 – 1863
No Transfers to the Checking Account needed at this time
Motion to accept the treasurers report was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, the motion carried 3-0-0
A memo was created for the Treasurer to have main signature on the accounts so that the treasurer could open and close the Township CDs. A motion to create a resolution giving the treasurer the memo was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion and hence the resolution carried 3-0-0
The treasure is going to roll the current CDs over into new CDs at a 22 month period at 4.3%. She will be looking into purchasing one more in the amount of $25000.00 for an 11- month period at 4.3% . A motion to approve the CDs was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion carried 3-0-0
Old Business
- Update on West Branch Rd: St Louis County was going to deny plowing to the Township unless some overhanging tree branches were removed. Swanstrom and Kuettel dealt with the branches and the county resumed plowing services
- Upcoming events: Board of Audit meeting February 21, 2023 starting at 7 pm followed by the Budget meeting. Township elections are March 14, 2023 from 7am to 8pm. Annual Township Meeting is March 14, 2023 at 8:30 pm.
- Website review: Continue to fix thumbnails, add resolutions and cash control statement. Update election information under Public Notice
New Business
- Review of correspondence received: Contact Raymond Barnes about the repercussions if the township does not respond to the weed inspectors noxious weed report
- Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County Elections containing information on the upcoming township election in March. This information includes deadlines, process for after elections, and use of Automark machine
- Email from the Minnesota Association of Townships announcing the 2023 Scholarship program for high school juniors
- Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County Elections confirming the clerk’s email.
- Email from Kristin Fogard of St Louis County Land and Minerals Dept. with a reminder to submit the year-end noxious weed report
- Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County Elections requesting township clerks to submit notice of elections, what township offices are up for election, automark use, and if the county will be ordering ballots
- Email from St Louis County Community Development with information on how to submit challenges to the FCC broadband map
- Email from St Louis County Community Development with Call for Border-to-Border and Low-Density Pilot Program Broadband Applications
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships with the December 2022 newsletter
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships with an ALERT: Managing weather related claims
- Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County Elections with the permanent absentee voter list
- Invoice from Daisy Wallace in the amount of $42.50 for website maintenance
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance and Bond Trust informing townships that the MATIT’s 2022 workers compensation payroll audit process is underway
- Email from Holly Olson of the St Louis County Sheriff’s Office with an inquiry to see if Pequaywan Township has any eligible costs from the December 21 snowstorm
- Email from the Minnesota Association of Townships with information on Clerk and Treasurer training in January and February 2023
- Email from Lora Skarman of St Louis County Assessor’s Office on Board of Appeal and Equalization training
- Email from Holly Olson of the St Louis County Sheriff’s Office on Action Item: 2023 Community Wildfire Strategic Planning Requests
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships with an invitation to join MAT for Township Day at the Capitol February 1-2, 2023
- Email to Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County Elections with an election notice as well as informing the county that Pequaywan Township will not be using the automark machine nor will the Township be ordering ballots
- Mailed absentee ballot application to residents on the permanent absentee voter list
Public Comment
- Fire Department to possibly ask for more financial assistance at the annual meeting March 14, 2023
Upcoming Meeting
- Monthly Board Meeting February 14, 2023 at 7pm located at the Pequaywan Fire Hall
Motion to adjourn was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom. The motion carried 3-0-0
Meeting was adjourned by Kuettel at 8:18 pm
Respectfully Submitted by
Amber Cruz, Township Clerk