June 11, 2023, Township Board Meeting Minutes


Town officers: Supervisors Charles Kuettel,  Doug Dressen,  Doug Nelson; Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson,  Deputy Treasurer Ed Potter

Guests:  Ray Barnes, Deb Pomroy, Ted Wallace

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Kuettel.

Clerk’s Report

May Board Meeting Minutes was presented for approval. Motion to approve with corrections by Dressen, seconded by Nelson, motion carried, 3-0-0. Corrected wordings are under New Business, bullet 5.

Treasurer’s Report

May 2023

Total Funds on Hand 5/1/2023 $218,487.00
Plus: Deposits $480.17
Interest on Accounts $480.17
Less: Disbursements $1,996.88
Payroll $285.93
Other Expenses $589.70
2nd Half snow plowing $1,121.25

Total Funds on Hand 5/31/2023 $216,970.29
Checks Written #1898-#1904

JUNE 2023
Expected Receipts None

Nelson motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Dressen seconded, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road: The supervisors inspected the damages on the road. More research will have to be done as the estimate of $1,500.00 is too high for the few potholes and cracks.
  • Appointing a deputy clerk: Supervisors questioned whether the township needs a deputy clerk. Wallace responded that during the clerk trainings that she attended, all the speakers emphasized that it is an advantage for townships to hire a deputy clerk and deputy treasurer in case the clerk or treasurer and are not available to perform their duties. Nelson motioned to appoint a deputy clerk and for Wallace to create a Resolution appointing a deputy whenever a vacancy occurs for both the clerk and treasurer positions, Dressen seconded, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Paying deputy clerk and deputy treasurer: Lita reported that she had verified with Lori Stalker of the Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) that we can amend Resolution #2023-004, Resolution for Establishing Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers. The original resolution approved in April 2023 stated that “Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer shall only be eligible for compensation if they are attending the meeting to perform the official duties of the Clerk or Treasurer in their absence.” Wordings which was copied from the MAT website. Lori Stalker stated that it is at the discretion of the board to pay the deputies if they attend meetings. Nelson motioned to amend the resolution and to pay the deputies when they attend meetings and to be retroactive effective April 2023, Dressen seconded, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Procedure when officers want to attend monthly meeting for St. Louis County Association of Townships in Cotton: Nelson motioned that any officer who wants to attend a meeting may do so with pay (meeting and mileage) and that attending the meeting is not mandatory, Dressen seconded, motion carried. 3-0-0.

New Business

  • Short-term Rental meeting at North Star: North Star Township had invited Pequaywan supervisors to attend a meeting re-Short-term rental at the North Star Firehall on June 23 at 9:30 a.m. Nelson motioned to have Dressen and Kuettel attend the meeting, Dressen seconded, motion carried, 3-0-0. Dressen mentioned that he purchased a decibel meter to measure the noise from short-term rentals in Pequaywan Township.



  • Email from Amanda Yates of St. Louis County Economic Services and Supports, re-Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) Request for Proposal (RFP) Opportunity to apply to provide MFIP Employment Services if working with low-income families.
  • Email from Josh Brinkman of St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management Planner re-hosting of PDA meeting for cities, townships, county departments intending to submit disaster reimbursement for the spring flooding this year.
  • Email from St. Louis County re-Disease Prevention and Control newsletter, May 2023, Vol. 1, Issue 2.
  • May 2023 Newsletter from Minnesota Association of Townships via email
  • Email from Cathy Roleau re-Agenda for May 24, 20234 St. Louis County Association of Townships Annual Meeting in Cotton and May 25, 2022 Annual Minutes.
  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships re-Town Law Review to be held on June 14, 2023.
  • Email from Jonathan Blevins of St. Louis County Elections to discard old election forms and to use the new ones such as (1) Minnesota Voter Registration Application; (2) 2023 Minnesota Absentee Ballot Application; and for election day registrations: (3) Minnesota Voter Registration Application; (4) 2023 Minnesota Absentee Ballot Application
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace, Web Administrator, for $50.00 for the month of May 2023
  • Email from St. Louis County re-Disease Prevention and Control newsletter, June 2023, Vol. 1, Issue 3.
  • Minnesota Association of Townships Official Membership Card for all officers.
  • Email from Dusty Letica of Economic Services & Supports, St. Louis County, re-new Medical Assistance renewal lookup website.
  • Emails from Lori Stalker of Minnesota Association of Townships, in response to the inquiry about the compensation for town officers.
  • Letter from Minnesota State Demographic Center, Department of Administration, re-number of annual population and household estimates as of April 1, 2022.


  • Email by town clerk to Minnesota Association of Townships verifying a statement in MAT’s Document TO4000,Establishing a Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers stating whether the deputy clerk and deputy treasurer are only eligible for compensation when attending meetings performing duties of the clerk or treasurer in their absence or will it be at the discretion of the board.

Public CommentThis is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board who are not on the agenda. No more than one (1) public comment form per citizen will be accepted per meeting. Your presentation will be limited to two (2) minutes. A complete Public Comment information must be emailed to the clerk, peqclerk@gmail.com, prior to the meeting.

There was no public comment received.

Next Meeting, June 13, 2023, 7:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall

Meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. by Dressen, seconded by Nelson, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk