July 11, 2023, Township Board Meeting Minutes


Town officers: Supervisors Charles Kuettel,  Doug Dressen,  Doug Nelson; Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson,  Deputy Treasurer Ed Potter

Guests:  Ray Barnes, Steve Mueller, Deb Pomroy, Daryle Waldriff, Ted Wallace

Meeting was called to order by Kuettel at 7:04 p.m.

 Clerk’s Report

June  Board Meeting Minutes was presented for approval. Motion to approve by Dressen, seconded by Nelson, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

JUNE 2023
Total Funds on Hand 6/1/2023 $216,970.29
Plus: Deposits $497.09
Interest on Accounts 497.09
Less: Disbursements $1,694.42
Payroll 1,215.74
Other Expenses 478.68
Total Funds on Hand 6/30/2023 $215,772.96
Checks Written #1905-#1913

JULY 2023

Claims (July) – $14,249.78
Checks Written #1914-#1923
Expected Receipts First Half Tax Apportionment – $34,365
State of MN Town Aid

Nelson motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Dressen seconded, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road – D. Nelson reported that he contacted St. Louis County and a few businesses. Supervisors will meet with St. Louis County on July 20 to seek information on what needs to be done and estimate on how much it will cost.
  • Update on deputy clerk position opening – Wallace reported that the opening was posted on the town website and Pequaywan Lake Community Facebook page but as of tonight, no one has applied.
  • Question on MATIT insurance coverage – C. Nelson asked a question about the invoice regarding coverage for Automark since it will no longer be used in future elections. It was agreed that coverage will be kept until the machine is turned-over to the company. When we receive the new voting machine, that will be added to the coverage.

New Business

  • Items discussed at the Northstar Township meeting on June 23 regarding short term rentals (STR) with North Star and Pequaywan Townships supervisors and St. Louis County – this is a continuing issue for townships. Some questions raised were: (1) Should more items on STR be imposed? (2) Should permit be approved by the township in addition to the county? (3) Enforcement?
  • Clerk report on completing the required new clerk election training for 2024 Presidential Election – Wallace reported that St. Louis County will conduct in-person election training in June 2024. Since the Presidential Primary Election will be held in March, she was required by the county to complete a set of election materials to receive the certificate as an election judge which she completed.
  • D. Nelson mentioned that he will complete the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) online training for LBAE 2024.


  • Email from St.Louis County Elections with new clerk  election training materials for the clerk to review and complete to complete initial clerk certification.
  • Minnesota Association of Townships June 2023 Newsletter via email
  • Email from Breanna Archer of St. Louis County Public Works re-website created that centralizes all the information regarding their Construction Projects, Plans, and Studies. https://slc-mn-public-works-slcgis.hub.arcgis.com/
  • Email from Teresa Hirsch regarding the results of the calcium chloride dust control bid for 2023. Envirotech Services Inc. was awarded the bid for liquid calcium chloride. Edwards Oil Inc. was awarded the bid for magnesium chloride.
  • Email from NST Assessments requesting special current pending and/or levied assessments information against a property at Pequaywan Lake Road.
  • Bill from Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance And Bond Trust (MATIT) in the amount of $970.00.
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace for tech work in June 2023 in the amount of $12.50.
  • Invoice #00000435 dated January 11, 2023 from St. Louis County Elections for election judge training in the amount of $47.00 for 2022 election.
  • Email from Ryan Bauers of St. Louis County Economic Services & Supports re-Critical Medical Assistance information to get the word out to the community.
  • Email from Lora Skarman of St. Louis County Assessor’s Office re- Board of Appeals and Equalization 2024 appeals season training available online for voting county board members to access.


  • Posted Critical Medical Assistance information from St. Louis County to the “Pequaywan Lake Community” Facebook page
  • Posted Deputy Clerk position opening to the “Pequaywan Lake Community” Facebook page

Public CommentThis is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board who are not on the agenda. No more than one (1) public comment form per citizen will be accepted per meeting. Your presentation will be limited to two (2) minutes. A complete Public Comment information must be emailed to the clerk, peqclerk@gmail.com, prior to the meeting.

There was no public comment received.

Next Meeting, August 8, 2023, 7:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. by Nelson, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk