November 14, 2017 | Township Board Meeting

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Lee Kaplan.

Present: Board members Present: Supervisors Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Ray Barnes. Absent Supervisor Scott Mead and Clerk Lita Wallace.

Clerk’s Report:  Don Swanstrom motioned to approve the October minutes. (Lee yay, Don yay) motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

$273,922.23    Total Cash on hand as of 9/30/2017
             69.26    Less: Outstanding Check
$273,852.97    Cash on hand as of 9/30/2017
228.09    Plus: Deposits
    16,505.38   Less: Disbursements
$257,575.68   Total Cash on hand as of 10/31/2017

Don moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, Lee seconded. (Lee yay, Don yay) motion carried.

Old Business

  • Adding more reflectors to the turnaround on West Branch Road – the County suggested that we install reflectors. Don moved that we purchase reflectors to be installed. (Lee yay, Don yay) motion carried.
  • Update of bids on road repair project for West Branch Road – To pave entire West Branch Road (township portion) would cost more than $400,000.00. Discussion was held concluding $400,000.00 would be too expensive. The Board agreed that we should only repair the sections that require repair. No motion made. Will discuss again when all board members are present. Lee expressed his thanks to a resident who provided class five and repaired some areas of the road.
  • The gate on township property entrance from Pequaywan Lake Road – Don was presented a key for the township property gate.

New Business

  • Census file update for the township – The Board advised the Bureau of Census that it decided not to participate in LUCA (Local Update of Census Addresses Operation in 2020).
  • Updating the township map for the Department of Transportation – Scott submitted an update to the Township map.
  • Notice of an application by a homeowner to subdivide property bordering Pequaywan Lake Road – Information was received concerning the subdivision of property on the Northeast side of Pequaywan Lake.

Claims: Check numbers 1290-1296 in the total amount of $2,466.70.


(1) More materials for the township census from the U.S. Census Bureau
(2) Letter from the Department of Transportation to update township map
(3) Email from U.S. Census Bureau re-WebEx presentation: LUCA Promotional Workshop
(4)  Email and letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development re-conditional use permit application for a preliminary plat in a property located  in the township
(5) Invoice from Ray Barnes in the amount of $828.00 for brush clearing project completed at West Branch Road
(6) Letter from the U.S. Department of Commerce requesting completion of a survey for board members’ salaries during March 2017 payroll period

(1) Scott mailed form back to U.S. Census Bureau

Public Comment

Next MeetingDecember 12, 2017, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. (Lee yay, Don yay) motion carried.

Minutes taken by Don Swanstrom, Town Supervisor
Posted by Lita Wallace, Town Clerk