October 11, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
Pequaywan Fire Hall
8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Duluth, MN 55803
Meeting was called to order by Charles Kuettel at 7:00 pm
Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Doug Dressen, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Treasure Ed Potter, Deputy Clerk Diana Potter, Clerk Amber Cruz (attended by phone).
Guests: Marialice Arndt, Richard Arndt, Steve Mueller, Scott Meade and Gloria Redburn
Clerk’s Report
- Regarding approval of application for snow removal Township Road Winter 2022-2023 : Dressen and Kuettel finished work sited that needed to be done for approval. After inspection, the application will be approved.
- Dressen made motion to accept September minutes as presented, Swanstrom 2nd . Motion passed 3-0-0
Treasurer’s Report
Total Funds on hand as of 09/01/2022 (Includes Investments) $217,198.15
Plus: Deposits $66.02
Interest on Accounts $66.02
Less: Disbursements $2071.76
Payroll $1,910.96
Other Expenses $ 160.80
Total Funds on hand as of 09/30/2022 $215,192.41
Sept Checks Written # 1810-1821
Deposits – MN DNR Payment in Lieu of Taxes – $3865.94
Disbursements – $ 1844.25
Checks written # 1822-1833
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.
- Swanstrom motioned to approve the treasurers report as submitted, Dressen 2 nd . Motion passed 3-0-0
Old Business
- Road Repair on West Branch: Supervisors went out 3 times to fill pot holes, all filled and repaired.
- Property owner on West Branch has a concern regarding the turning area of the snowplow pushing snow into his yard and is requesting some type of barrier. The Township is working to address the concern.
- Reminder of the November meeting change to November 1 st 7:00 to accommodate the election on November 8th . Amber will send out notices regarding time change and election times. She has updated the website to reflect changes. Kuettel will post at the INN and on Township sign.
- Two voters who have previously voted in our precinct are no longer in our precinct. A letter will be sent to them explaining where they can vote in the upcoming election.
- Potters having issues with receiving emails, it has been figured out and will be corrected Road Repair on West Branch: Supervisors went out 3 times to fill pot holes, all filled and repaired.
New Business
- Year-end training in Grand Rapids for Clerks and Treasurers. It’s a 3 hour training and Carol will try and attend.
- Email from Cathy Rouleau of St Louis Couty Association of Townships on the SCLAT meetings in September and December
- Email from Suzy Van Norman of St Louis County with the community partner communications for the week of Sept 16th 2022
- Email from the Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) containing the September 2022 newsletter
- Email from R.C. Boheim of South St Louis Soil and Water Conservation District with and invite to South St. Louis SWCD open house and legislative meet up on October 19, 2022
- Email from Cathy Rouleau of SCLAT with a reminder of the September 28, 2022 monthly meeting in Cotton
- Email from Suzy Van Norman of St Louis County with the weekly community partner communications
- Email from Cathy Rouleau of SCLAT with September 28, 2022 meeting agenda and go to information
- Emailed invite from MAT to the 2022 Annual Meeting of the MN Association of Townships October 14 – 15 in St Cloud
- Emailed reminder from Quinn Carlson of St Louis County Auditor of the due date of the proposed Levy
- Emailed invoice from Daisy Wallace in the amount of $27.50 for website administration
- Email from Michelle Claviter – Tveit of St Louis County Planning and Community Development with a conditional use permit meeting to be held on November 10, 2022
- Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County Elections with a notice of election template
- Email from Charles Kuettel with receipts/timecard for west branch repair done by Kuettel, Swanstrom and Dressen
- Email from Molly Cooper of St Louis County Administrators Office on the St Louis County opioid settlement funds annual municipality meeting
- Email from St Louis County Road Commission stating that the Pequaywan Township snowplow application has been accepted
- Email from St Louis County Road Commission stating that the Pequaywan Township snowplow application has been returned due to repairs needed at the turn around on west branch road
- Email from MAT with upcoming training for Supervisors and clerks/treasurers
- Email from Bradley Gustafson of St Louis County Planning and Community Development with a reminder that the CDBG FY2023 Pre-Applications are due on 10/14
- Email from Carrie Olsen of Frontier Communications with a request on where to send paperwork for the township
- Application for snowplow for Pequaywan Township submitted to St. Louis County
- Email to Quinn Carlson of St Louis County Auditor with the proposed levy paperwork
- Email to Carrie Olsen of Frontier Communications with information on where to send the paperwork for the township
Public Comment
No public comment at this time
Upcoming Meeting
- Township Board Meeting November 1, 2022 at 7 pm
Motion to Adjourn was given by Swanstrom motioned, Dressen 2nd . Motion carried 3-0-0
Meeting was adjourned by Kuettel at 7:33 pm
Respectfully written by
Diana Potter, Deputy Clerk
Respectfully submitted by
Amber Cruz, Clerk