October 9, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Supervisors Unexcused: Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 8 residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The September board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The October treasurer report was available for review.

Old Business

Comp Plan

It was discussed that funding to develop a comp plan is not available at this time. Mead will continue to look for sources.

Resort on Little Pequaywan

Fry contact the County and was advised this matter is unresolved and that the County Attorney was to be involved. Matter is on-going.

ATV Trail from West Branch Road to Bear Lake

The supervisors have not had any further conversation with any residents about the trail.

New Business

HAVA Guidelines for Townships

The deadline for compliance to the new HAVA guidelines for townships has been extended to 2010. As AutoMark compatibly is inevitable the board decided that we will use AutoMark compatible ballots for the March local election.

Meeting Dates

Next Monthly Meeting November 13th at 7:30 PM.

∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Fry seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt