Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead
Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk, Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer Approximately 8 residents
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Freeman.
Regular Business
The August board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead. All ayes, motion carried.
Treasurer Report
The September treasurer report was available for review. As the only expenses were for supervisors no checks were cut.
Road Report
Fry called and requested the County to give advice on whether West Branch Road would benefit from signage about soft/no shoulder concerns. The issue was unresolved after conversation with the County.
Old Business
Comprehensive Plan:
Further discussion was had on the need for a Comprehensive Plan for the Township of Pequaywan. Some residents see a plan as a vision of what the citizens desire for our community, while others express concerns about language in the plan might put us in controversy with the County Planning & Zoning . It was discussed that as the planning process is lengthy and expensive that a grant would be necessary to proceed with such a plan.
Resort on Little Pequaywan:
The property owner that has used his property as a resort was issued a Cease and Desist order which has been countered by his lawyer that argues that the property is not being run as a resort. Matter is on-going.
New Business
Boat Ramps:
Residents who build boat ramps may or may not be required to have a permit to do so. The criteria seems to be if trees/foliage are removed to build ramp. Residents are advised to contact county authorities if planning to put in a boat ramp, to be in compliance and also for the protection of our lake water quality.
School Elections:
A letter has been received from School District #381 that a levy referendum will be placed on the November 6, 2007 ballot. Requested information will be mailed to them.
ATV Trail off From West Branch Road to Bear Lake
A long-used ATV trail off from West Branch Road to Bear Lake crosses two private property lines. Apparently some posting has been done but to no avail. A question was posed by a group if this trail would/could be closed. Townships do have the power to outlaw ATV useage on a township road. As West Branch Road has no shoulder, riders need to ride on the road. It was questioned if the Township could be held liable as the road has no shoulder. In questioning the DNR about legality of riding on a township road, a resident was advised that a rider cannot legally ride strictly on the road and another resident was advised that it was legal to ride on the road. Apparently it depends on circumstances, enforcement officer, and if it comes to legal matters, the judge. No action taken.
Hazardous Waste Disposal:
North Star Recycling will hold a Hazardous Pick-up day in the spring of 2008. Further information to follow.
Brush Day:
Brush Day to dispose of yard waste will be Saturday September 15th from 9:00 am to noon. The disposal site is the gravel pit off from Highway 44 near the storage units.
Residents’ Questions
A resident representing Pequaywan Lake Association inquired if the Township would partner with the Lake Association in placing uniform marker buoys on the lakes. With discussion, it was determined that being involved in placing buoys could lead to liability issues and it was deemed not appropriate to be involved.
Meeting Dates
October Monthly Meeting October 9th at 7:30 PM.
Weed Inspector holding meeting in Cotton on October 24th.
WLSSD will hold a coffee/open house at the North Star Recycling Center in the AM of October 13th. Pequaywan residents are encouraged to attend.
C Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. Fry seconded, motion carried.
Prepared by Marialice Arndt Date