July 14, 2015 | Township Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chair Rick Fry.

The following Board Members were present: Supervisor Rick Fry, Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Lee Kaplan, Treasurer Kim Hand and Clerk Lita Wallace.

Number of residents: 4 / non-residents: 2


June meeting minutes was read by Lita. Motioned made by Rick and seconded by Scott  to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

$233,870.55              Cash on hand as of 5/31/15

14,511.54               Deposits

        -710.63                Expenditures

$247,671.46              Cash on hand as of 6/30/15

Motioned to approve by Rick, seconded by Lee. Motion carried.


Road Maintenance in West Branch Road – An engineer from St. Louis County will be meeting with Rick at his house on Friday, July 17 at 8:30 a.m.

Laptops – Lita reported the following: HP laptop for $400.00, $20 for Anti-virus software, $149 for Microsoft Office, $35 for laptop case plus tax or an estimated total of between $600-$700 for each laptop. Rick motioned to approve the purchase of two laptops at $700 each. Seconded by Scott. Motion carried.

Potential bank/credit union investment options – Rick motioned to change banks from Beacon Bank to Superior Choice and maintain a balance of $5000.00 in the checking account; to invest $50,000 in share certificate and $192,671.46 in Business Money Market with Superior Choice. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried.

Other Old Business

Rick’s Resignation – Lee mentioned that someone he knows is interested in taking over Rick’s position. It is suggested to have the individual attend meetings to get familiar with the processes.


MAT Membership Cards – Lita mentioned that with the use of the card, Board Members are eligible for government discounts in hotel.

Letter from DNR re- proposed Metallic Minerals leases for our area – states that residents have 60 days from June 23 to submit comments. Guests tonight were Wendy Robinson and Kris Larsen who are active in the cause. They showed maps of the areas to be leased which showed that most residents will be affected having properties located around state-owned lands. Wendy and Kris requested Pequaywan Township supervisors to write a letter to DNR asking for a 90-day extension so that part-time residents who are not back in the area until fall will have a chance to comment and give more chance to inform other residents. Kris volunteered to write a draft of the letter. All supervisors have agreed to sign the letter.

More information may be found from the following websites:


Road striping in the Pequaywan Township portion of West Branch Road – Scott reported that St. Louis County will be charging the township $900 for the striping. Scott will verify if the striping is for the middle or sides of the road or both.

Claims Report – totalling $1,248.20. Motioned by Rick to approve and seconded by Lee. Motion carried.


NEXT MEETING: Tuesday,  August 11, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Hall

Motion to Adjourn at 9:30 p. m. by Scott and seconded by Lee. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by:

Lita C. Wallace, Township Clerk