November 10, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

5 residents

Next meeting set for December 8, 2009

Old business:

The Smokey the Bear sign has returned to his location.

Freeman received a call from a forester that will be clearing some land in the area. The forester never got back information to Freeman.

New business:

Discussion on signs posted along the snowmobile trail

Meeting adjourned.

October 13, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

7 residents

Next meeting set for November 10, 2009

Financial report available for viewing

Old business:

Regarding resolution for public access: Mead attended a seminar in Walker, MN that discussed the issues of public access on lakes.  Came away with much information, but discouraged by the comments of the public officials that attended the seminar.

The Smokey the Bear sign has been removed from its’ place on the hill.  There was discussion on whether it should be restored and who it actually belongs to/if there is any right to removing the marker.

New business:

Freeman received a call from a forester that will be clearing some land in the area.  The forester asked if the township was interested in having their land logged also.  The forester is to get back to Freeman with more details after an aerial view is done of the land.

Fry commented on reminding residents to obtain building permits from the county when building on your land.

November 1st is Kids Halloween Party, 4 pm at Pequaywan Inn

Meeting adjourned.

September 8, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

9 residents

Next meeting set for Oct 13, 2009

Old business:

Regarding resolution for public access: Mead read the updated resolution that was passed at August meeting.  It was sent to 9 people within the State and County levels.

New business:

Resident inquired about the Smokey the Bear sign on Hwy 44 and requested either it be updated or taken down.  Resident is researching into CLP’s “operation round-up” to obtain funds to fix the sign.

Population estimate notice given as of 4/1/08 is 132 and household estimate is 67.

Meeting adjourned.

August 11, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

17 residents

Next meeting set for Sept 8, 2009

New business:

Freeman asked Fry to read the Township resolution to the possible public access on Big Pequaywan.  Comments made from residents on changing some wording.  Motion made to pass the resolution but with removing some specific wording.  Motion passed 2-1.  A final resolution will be included with next meeting minutes.

Discussion was had on the resort and the turnover at the location.  Concerns made of water vehicle launching by the renters, licensing issues and property line.

Resident made a follow up request to the town board on covering the townships attorney fees in a development process on Big Pequaywan.  Request not granted.

Mention made that the township is watching for the process of changes at the newly purchased tax forfeit property and the possibility of vacating a road.

Monthly lake water testing has started on Pequaywan.

Meeting adjourned.

July 14, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Meeting called to order by Chairman Mark Freeman @ 7:30

Supervisors Freeman, Mead & Fry Present

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

Discussion on the latest land sale by St. Louis County.

The variance was recommended for approval by Planning and Zoning concerning the lots at the old resort.

Pancake breakfast was a great success.

New business:

Discussion concerning the proposed boat access on Pequaywan Lake that the DNR is trying to establish. The Pequaywan lake Association sent a resolution to the DNR concerning the issue. The association resolution was read for any discussion from the floor.

Fry asked about what program the association had implemented. His other question concerned boat launching by friends coming to visit you or using your cabin. Residents will need to check to see that any boats launched are clean.

Resident Ted Wasnick informed the Town Board and the residents in attendance, that the development he proposed for the east shore of Big Pequaywan Lake was approved by the planning commission with a few changes. The changes are to be completed at a future date.

The proposed public boat access on Big Pequaywan was discussed. Residents in attendance spoke out against any public access.

Chairman Freeman asked Supervisor Fry to write a resolution for the Township concerning the public access issue.

Concerns about the level of Little Pequaywan were discussed.

Supervisor Fry to check on the land sale for the residents in the East Shore and Pinewood road area.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made and approved. Freeman and Fry

Meeting adjourned at 8:10

June 9, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

Absent: Scott Mead

4 residents

Next meeting set for July 14, 2009

Old business:

The garden has been planted for landscaping the area where the township sign is.

Domain and hosting service renewed another 2 years for township website.

Brush day comment made that someone has brought stumps into the pile and this will need to be watched closer.

Tax-forfeit land sale notice for the area on the Pequaywan Lk Rd, the township has no interest in purchasing the land.  This land was sold.

New business:

Township received a letter from the St. Louis County discussing property tax forfeit land that the township may be interested in purchasing.  Mark is to contact the county to get more information.

A variance request notice sent to the township for an area off Peq. Lk Rd.  Rick Fry noted in looking a bit at the drawings that it may have been an illegal property split into non-conforming lots.  Township’s stand is to remain neutral.

Pequaywan Vol. FD annual pancake breakfast is to be held July 5th.

Meeting adjourned.

May 12, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

2 residents

Next meeting set for June 9, 2009

Old business:

Road condition report by Rick Fry –  Asphalt purchased from Menards to fill in the holes on West Branch Rd. The job will be tackled when time and weather allows.

Phyllis Mead proposed landscaping the area where the township sign is.  Plans are being made for the landscaping.

Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting scheduled for April 29th from 7-8 pm at the Fire Hall.  Meeting went well, one resident attended.

The board recommended starting the additional $1500 payment to the PVFD this 2009 year, rather than waiting until 2010.  The three annual payments will then be 2009, 2010 and 2011.  This was motioned, 2nd and approved.  $1,500 payment given to Chief Lucia.

Brush day is scheduled for May 30th from 10am-1pm.

New business:

Fry mentioned that it is renewal time for the domain  Motioned and approved to re-new domain.

Tax-forfeit land sale notice for the area on the Pequaywan Lk Rd, the township has no interest in purchasing the land.

Resident asked about the property that the township owns and placing a community garden on it.  The response from the board is that it is wooded and would require much work.

Mead discussed the township signs and if alright to do some maintenance on them.  Given a “yes” by the board.

Resident Waznick brought to the boards’ attention that there is interest from the DNR to purchase lots that he has for sale.  The board asked that Wasnick keep them informed.

Meeting adjourned.

April 14, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

9 residents

Next meeting set for May 12, 2009

Old business:

No old business discussed

New business:

Election results noted from the March local election of Mark Freeman and Keith Stoneburner re-elected positions.

Discussion had for Chairperson as Mark Freeman and Road person as Rick Fry for the 2009-2010 timeframe.  Election judge and meeting pay set to stay where it currently is.

Road condition by Rick Fry – Frost is coming out and they are bumpy.  Mark brought up the idea of purchasing asphalt from Menards to fill in the holes on West Branch Rd.  Motion made and 2nd to purchase and try the fix.

Phyllis Mead proposed landscaping the area where the township sign is.  She requested $150 to purchase herbiscide and natural plants.  Motion made and 2nd to approve the landscaping.  Rick mentioned the potential 80 ft right-of-way at that corner that has the possibility of being mowed.

Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting scheduled for April 29th from 7-8 pm at the Fire Hall.

The board recommended starting the additional $1500 payment to the PVFD this 2009 year, rather than waiting until 2010.  The three annual payments will then be 2009, 2010 and 2011.  This was motioned, seconded and approved.

Brush day is scheduled for May 30th from 10a-1pm.

Meeting adjorned.

March 10, 2009 Annual Town Meeting

Meeting was convened at 8:15pm.

Attendance: Supervisors Freeman, Fry and Mead present. in addition to Clerk and Treasurer, along with 12 residents.

Clerk Smitke called the meeting to order.  A motion made/seconded/carried to elect Dexter Larson as Citizen Monitor for the meeting.  Motion made/seconded/carried to waive the reading of the 2008 annual meeting minutes.  Motion made/seconded/carried to waive the reading of the checks written by the Treasurer.  A financial report was presented for all to review with no questions asked.

Fry gave road report.  Road is breaking up a bit more this spring.  It was again mentioned that St. Louis County would no longer patch the road.  It seems that no contractor is willing to come out to fix the road.  It was suggested to fix the road ourselves.

The levy for taxes was motioned/seconded/carried to remain at $23,000.  In this discussion, Fire Chief John Lucia requested to the township a $1500 per year contribution for 3 years to be given to the Pequaywan Firefighters Relief Program, which has decreased in value with the current downturn in the economy.  Motion made to discuss the topic.  Stoneburner asked about the legality of a township contributing to a retirement program.  Motioned/seconded/carried made to contribute this amount to the fire department for the three consecutive years in addition to the standard amount assigned for the fire department.

The annual elections were reported on that Mark Freeman was re-elected another 3 year term as supervisor and Keith Stoneburner was re-elected another 2 year term as treasurer.

The voting hours motioned/seconded/carried to remain the same as prior year with any Primary, General and Special Statewide election hours to be 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.  The Annual township election hours are to be 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

The monthly meeting time and day shall remain the same as 7:30 pm on the second Tuesday of each month and the annual meeting shall remain the same as the second Tuesday of March 2010 after the annual election.

Local notice postings shall remain the same.  They currently are at the Pequaywan town bulletin board, PVFD bulletin board, website and website.

Freeman asked the time and date of the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting for 2009.  Clerk replied that it is set for April 29, 2009 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Pequaywan fire hall.

Meeting adjourned.