December 11, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.

Attendance: Town Officers – Chair Donald Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.

Number of resident/s present: 2, number of non-resident present: 2.

Clerk’s Report:  Kuettel motioned to approve November Minutes with corrections, Mead seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Cash on hand as of 11/01/2018 – $166,037.33
Plus: Deposits – $224.02
Less Disbursements (November) – $1,958.92
Total Cash on hand as of 11/30/2018 – $164,302.43
November Check # 1395 – 1404


Claims (December) – $1,549.60
December Check # 1405 – 1414

Kuettel motioned to approve November Treasurer’s Report and December Claims, Mead seconded, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Weed survey update: Deborah Pomroy, Weed Inspector for Pequaywan Township, provided a copy of a report, 2018 Annual Township Report Noxious Weed Control, submitted to St. Louis County. Pomroy reported that she completed inspection of 12 linear miles on both sides of Pequaywan Lake Road.
  • Determine what trees to plant on the township land and how to proceed: Mead reported that Red Pine, White Pine and Jack Pine are the advantageous trees to plant and possibly Tamarack in the low areas. Not recommended are Maple and Hardwood. About 100 trees may be planted per acre. We can also throw seeds (i.e. Oak) in the area. Need to leave open space for future use for a building. 500 trees may be purchased from DNR plus other possible sources.Pomroy mentioned that there was a study that Knapweed poisons the soil after five years of it growing on the same place and plants and trees could get killed. She suggested to purchase seed grass Sunflower Heliopsis, a plant that competes with Knapweed. Supervisors requested Pomroy to meet with them at the site for her professional opinion on what trees to plant and location according to soil condition.

New Business

  • Discussion on purchasing tax forfeited land adjacent to township property: The Township can purchase the land for $1,500-$1,700 per acre @ 3.5 acres; or submit a form to have it gifted to the township which will cost around $1,000. Mead motioned to submit an application to obtain ownership of the land using Tax Forfeited Procedures for the state land that borders on the north between the township land and Rossini, land that the county administers. Kuettel seconded, motion carried.
  • Update on reporting of township accounting practices: At the last Treasurer training that Barnes attended, he learned that the State are requiring townships to enter interest income in CTAS as investments. Most treasurers in attendance at the training stated that they have been entering interest income as interest and not investment. Many townships,  like we do, use Money Market as an extension of checking account but the State Auditor requires it to be entered as investments. This requirement is effective in 2018 transactions. In addition, Barnes mentioned that to make the switch in CTAS data entries beginning from January 2018 will require a lot of work.
  • Clerk Wallace requested to attend MAT Clerk/Treasurer Training (CTAS reporting, 2019 Board of Audit Meeting, and Annual Meeting ) at St. Michael MN: Mead motioned to approve, Swanstrom seconded, motion carried.
  • March Town Election – one Supervisor position open. Filing dates January 1-15, 2019, contact Clerk Wallace to request a form or print from AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDACY AND RECEIPT FOR FILING.



  • Email from St. Louis County re-final draft of its Comprehensive Land Use Plan
  • Email from County Ag Inspector re info for Local Weed Inspectors and Town Supervisors
  • Email newsletter from MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships re-upcoming training
  • Email from MN Department of Revenue via St. Louis Co Assessor’s Office re-training for Board of Appeal and Equalization
  • Email from SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) re-October minutes and calendar of future meetings


  • Emailed a copy of Public Notice re- filing dates for March 2019 Pequaywan Township election to St. Louis County Elections Department

Public Comment

Next Meeting: January 8, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Kuettel  motioned to adjourn at 8:45 p.m., seconded by Mead, motion carried

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

November 11,  2018 | Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.


Town Officers: Chair Don Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes. Number of resident/s present: 6, number of non-resident present: 3

Clerk’s Report:  Kuettel motioned to approve October Minutes, seconded by Mead motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

October  2018

Total Cash on hand as of 10/01/2018 – $171,120.90
Plus: Deposits – $78.78
Less Disbursements (October) – $5,162.35
Total Cash on hand as of 10/31/2018 – $166,037.33

October  Check # 1385 – 1394

Kuettel motioned to approve October Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Mead, motion carried.

November  2018

Claims (November) – $1958.92
November  Check # 1395 – 1404

Swanstrom motioned to approve November Claims, seconded by Kuettle , motion carried.

Old Business

  • Clerk’s Report on general Election held on November 6: Pequaywan Township Precinct 0875 was open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  It had 128 registered voters with 20 absentee ballots and 86 voting in person, a total of 106 votes. Three judges conducted the election.  Manual counting was done which lasted until 11:30 p.m. results were relayed to St Louis County.

New Business:

  • Mead reported that Townships are not required to provide financial information on employees (information asked for by American Transparency Employee information.)
  • Karen Zeisler, tax-forfeited Land Coordinator, with Saint Louis County was present to discuss options of the township gaining access to township property off Rossini.  There is approximately 3.4 acres that the county can: 1) allow township to purchase the property at market value which is allowed for public purpose; 2) township can apply for a free conveyance use permit for approximately $500 which half goes to Department of Revenue and other half to the County (need approval from near neighbors), 60 day review and after 30 years of land being used as proposed the land would be owned by  township; and 3) apply for easement with cost being calculated by the foot.
  • Swanstrom will mail letter of thanks to Commissioner Tom Rukavina for his assistance in seeking solutions for access to township land off Rossini.
  • Mead reported on various follow up calls he made.  Future Forests were contacted about the effectiveness of the spraying they did on township land.  He was advised that the spray will remain on the plants until spring and further material will die. With discussion of coordinating two fire departments and the volume of yard brush involved  it seems too complicated for township to piggyback on Northstar brush pile.
  • If option to chip instead of burning brush pile was to be considered Mead sought estimates. Wastewood Recycling with chipping on site would be $2500 for set up plus haul away or to set up a semi in which brush would be loaded into would be approximately $300-400 dollars (semi would hold about 50 pickup loads), Bark Tree estimate was approximately $1500 to chip for one day and haul chips away. Another option to be considered is to charge residents a fee for disposal of yard waste.
  • Mead received a call from Kevin Olson with a suggestion that his son Alex would like to consider a eagle scout project of a picnic shelter on the township land.  Mead will invite him to a township meeting to present his proposal.
  • Motion was made by Mead and seconded by Swanstron that a letter be mailed to John Wilson, per his request,  outlining the use of and the restrictions on the township land, motion carried.



  • Minnesota Data Practices Act letter of request from American Transparency asking for employee salary information of Pequaywan township employees in 2017
  • Email from St. Louis County Election department with instructions on conducting a Public Accuracy Test of the Automark Machine before the General Election
  • Email from a concerned citizen that gravel is washing out on the 9300 block of West Branch Road where the new road work was completed
  • Email with April and May 2018 Meeting Minutes from St. Louis County Association of Townships
  • Email of November Newsletter from Minnesota Association of Townships
  • Email from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development notifying townships of the continuation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan public hearing scheduled on November 8th in Virginia, MN
  • Bill from MAT- training registration for Treasurer Ray G. Barnes (CTAS payroll training) and Deborah Pomroy (Weed Inspector training)

Sent: None

Public Comment

Kuettel  motioned to adjourn at 8:50 p.m., seconded by Mead, motion carried.

Next Meeting: December 11, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road, Duluth MN

Respectfully submitted by,
Marialice Arndt

Posted online by
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

October 9, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to Order: meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.


Board members: Chair Don Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace

Number of resident/s present: 6
Number of non-resident present: 1

Clerk’s Report:  Mead motioned to approve September Minutes, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

September 2018

Total Cash on hand as of 09/01/2018 – $274,301.63
Plus: Deposits – $188.10
Less Disbursements (September) – $103,368.83
Total Cash on hand as of 09/30/2018 – $171,120.90
September Check # 1374 – 1384

Mead motioned to approve September Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

October 2018

Claims (October) – $5162.35 (including bill from St. Louis County for snow plowing in the amount of $1,121.25 and Future Forests for tree spraying in the amount of $2,880.00)
October Check # 1385 – 1394

Swanstrom motioned to approve October Claims, seconded by Mead, motion carried.

Old Business

  • November Election – scheduled on Tuesday, November 6, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Firehall
  • West Branch Road – Mead reported that the shoulder washed out during the storm. Thanks to Doug Nelson who donated his equipment (front loader) and time to get it fixed.
  • Township land Planning Group report – Phyllis Mead of Pequaywan Lakes Association reported the following suggestions generated from the recent focus group meeting: (1) 30×40 open air pavilion; (2) driveway extension; (3) privy; (4) clearing open area where there are a lot of downed logs for possible informal recreation area; (5) electricity; and (6) well. She also mentioned the possibility of applying for a DNR grant which will be available when posted online starting December 2018. DNR requires a 50-50 match. Township’s share would be volunteer time @ $9 per hour.
  • Expired 3-year Money Market Certificate – Mead motioned to apply for an 18-month Money Market Certificate for 2-$50,000.00 amount or a total of $100,000.00, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried. The certificate can be withdrawn at anytime without penalty for early withdrawal in case the town needs to access the funds.
  • Use of township land for motorized vehicles- 4-wheelers and motorcycles are prohibited except for maintenance purposes. Signs had been posted to this effect. Mead will write a Resolution.
  • Weed Inspection – Barnes reported that Deb Pomroy has been working on it but cannot submit a report until she gets the new information form that will not be available until December or later.
  • Louis County Crack Sealing Maintenance Program – Kuettel reported that it will not work for us right now. The county charges $600.00 just for them to look at it.

New Business: None



  • Bill from St. Louis County Public Works Department in the amount of $1,121.25 for snow plowing
  • Bill from Future Forests for tree spraying services in the amount of $2,880.00
  • Letter from St. Louis County Public Works Department re-Maintenance Requests for any work to be done by the county not covered by “Road Maintenance Agreement” be submitted yearly in writing
  • Letter and follow-up email from St Louis County Planning and Development Department re- notice for Comprehensive Land Use Plan public hearing scheduled on October 18
  • Newsletter Email from Minnesota Association of Townships
  • Email from Minnesota Department of Revenue re-upcoming LBAE training
  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships re-Survey for Fire Chiefs (Note: Wallace reported that the email was forwarded to the Pequaywan Fire Chief)
  • Letter from St. Louis County Board of Adjustment re-Facts and Findings, Conclusions and Decision the Board approved for Donald Birdsong property


  • Public Comment: Residents expressed their concern about not having a burn pile. Discussion ensued that this is a big community issue especially for those that do not have an area to burn in their properties. Township land will be better utilized if there is a burn pile. Mead added that a location will have to be determined and may need easement from the county, create another driveway, and install culvert if location is on the east side of the land.

Next Meeting: November 13, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Swanstrom motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., seconded by Mead, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk


September 12, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.


Board members: Chair Don Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace

Number of resident/s present: 13
Number of non-resident present: 1

Clerk’s Report

Motion to approve August Minutes by Mead, second by Kuettel, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report


Total Cash on hand as of 08/01/2018 – $273,543.67
Plus: Deposits – $6,272.45
Less Disbursements (August) – $5,514.49
Total Cash on hand as of 08/31/2018 – $274,301.63
August Check # 1363 – 1373


Claims (September) – $103,368.83
September Check # 1374 – 1384
Approve September Claims: including reimbursement for $207.65 (signs for township land) from a resident, and bills from KTM, $98,700 and $3,074 for West Branch Road repair which was for cost of extra work in an area that was discovered while working on the road.

Motion to approve August Treasurer’s Report and September Claims (including $3,074 from KTM by Mead, second by Kuettel, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Update – West Branch Road repair: completed
  • Update – Township land: There is a pretty good walking trail in the woods that was completed with volunteer help residents lead by Pequaywan Lake Association and funded by the township. Pequaywan Lake Association is scheduled to have a meeting on October 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Firehall. Barnes reported that he is a member of the Cooperative Light Association’s (CLP) Round-Up. He said that he recused himself from the processing of the application from a Pequaywan resident requesting grant for projects on the township land. At that time, it was denied as the official CLP form was not used and there were information missing on the application form. CLP requires documentation that the resident be an official representative of a governing body and to indicate payee of the grant. Barnes also stated that the payee can also apply as a member of Pequaywan Lake Association.
  • Update – Tree spraying: completed on August 29
  • Update – Township Comprehensive Plan: Mead reported that he has been collecting copies of Comprehensive Plan from various townships for reference and research which were provided to Kuettel. He also mentioned that townships do not need an outside facilitator to develop a Township Comprehensive Plan and that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)/MN Coastal Plan has grant money for townships to tap into. For now, we can create a basic plan and keep improving on it. We have a unique township so we can create a restrictive plan.

Action Plan: Form a committee consisting of four residents interested in being involved in it. Contact one of the supervisors if any resident is interested.

New Business

  • 3-year Certificate maturing on 9/22/2018: will research on other venue to invest the funds and one that does not lock it in for a period of time in case the funds is needed at any moment



  • $98,700 bill (approved at the April 2018 meeting) from KTM Paving Inc. and $3,074 (Quote: Change Order to repair soft spot at an area near Fire #9270) for West Branch Road repair
  • Email from St. Louis County re-announcement on the continuation of the Aggregate Crushing, Maintenance Striping and Crack Sealing Programs. Deadline to submit request is October 5, 2018. (Kuettel will inquire for more information)
  • Email from St. Louis County on Comprehensive Plan Survey draft action implementations.
  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships announcing the new Executive Director and the next MAT District 10 meeting scheduled on August 30, 2018 in Twig.
  • Blank form of Township Final Levy Certification form for taxes payable 2019 from St. Louis County Auditor’s Office
  • Letter from St. Louis County Board of Adjustment on its approved decision from a variance hearing on a property at the township


  • 2019 Pequaywan Final Town Levy in the amount of $30,000.00 mailed to St. Louis County, County Auditor, on September 10, 2018 (deadline October 1, 2018)

Public Comment

Next Meeting: October 9, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Mead motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m., second by Kuettel, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

August 14, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 8:50 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.


Board members: Chair Donald Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace

Number of resident/s present: 9
Number of non-resident present: 1

Clerk’s Report

Motion to approve July Minutes by Mead, second by Kuettel, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

JULY 2018

Total Cash on hand as of 07/01/2018 – $255,161.49
Plus: Deposits – $19,770.49
Less Disbursements (July) – $1388.31
Total Cash on hand as of 07/31/2018 – $273,543.67
July Check # 1354 – 1362


Claims – $5514.49
August Check # 1363 – 1373

Motion to approve July Treasurer’s Report and August Claims by Mead, second by Kuettel, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Countywide Comprehensive Plan – Mead went to the meeting and reported that if a township has a comprehensive plan, the county will work with the township. If not, the county will decide for the township. If we ever need assistance, there are grants available but we will need a comprehensive plan and an outside moderator to represent us.
  • Burnt Pile – Since we do not have a gravel pit this year, we can piggy back on North Star’s burnt pile but it is maxed out right now. We can also make arrangements later if they make a burn. Another possibility is a burn pit north of North Star FD but it will be expensive as they require that both North Star and Pequaywan Fire Departments be present during the burn. As of this time, still unsure about the possibility of using the firefit in Rossini. It will depend on the county.
  • Township Land – Motioned by Kuettel, seconded by Mead to spray Poplar trees from the 34 acres of township land @ $90 per acre, estimate total of $3,060.00 by the company, Future Forest. Furthermore, Mead mentioned that DNR suggested to plant Red Pine and White Pine instead of Maple and Oak. Mead also mentioned that he will research more about replacement trees.

New Business

  • Wallace requested for approval to train election judges (Bonnie Dressen, Marialice Arndt and Daryle Waldriff) – Motion by Kuettel, second by Mead, motion carried.
  • Wallace requested to appoint election judges/head election judge for the November General Election (Katherine Sluka, Bonnie Dressen, Lita Wallace) – motion by Swanstrom, second by Kuettel, motion carried.



  • Letter from St. Louis County Office of the Sheriff stating that the physical address assigned to the township land is 8914 Pequaywan Lake Road Duluth MN 55803
  • Letter from St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department re-permits issued for the 1st half of 2018
  • Email from St. Louis County Office of the Sheriff requesting townships and cities affected by storms from June 16 to July 12 to submit damage assessment
  • Email from St. Louis County Elections stating ballots and other election materials are ready for pick-up
  • Email from housed in Boca Raton, Florida requesting payroll information of employees under Minnesota Data Practice Act. Barnes mentioned that North Star also received the same request and it is kind of fishy. We will need to verify the company so this will be put on hold.
  • Map of the township from St. Louis County


  • Email to St. Louis County Elections re-Katherine Sluka’s certificate for completion of election training on July 26, 2018

Public Comment

  • John Wilson, a resident of the township, provided documents that he acquired from the county, regarding the history of sale from his father to the township. In lieu of an announcement by Pequaywan Lakes Association that it was purchased from his father, John is requesting a correction statement that “The land was donated by his father but to make it legal, a dollar amount is required. So, the land was gifted for $1.00. John is also requesting for a plaque to be placed on the land in honor of his father. He is willing to pay for it, maybe something made of  aluminum stand on a concrete floor. Mead motion, Kuettel second, motion carried.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, September 11, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Mead motion to adjourn at 10:00 p.m., second by Kuettel, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

July 10, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chair Don Swanstrom.

Attendance: Board members: Chair Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace. Number of resident/s present: 6, Number of non-resident/s present: 1

Clerk’s Report: Minutes of June meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Mead to approve minutes, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Barnes reported the following:

JUNE 2018

Total Cash on hand as of 06/01/2018 – $255,857.70
Plus: Deposits – $218.17
Less Disbursements (June) – $914.38
Total Cash on hand as of 06/30/2018 – $255,161.49
June Check # 1347 – 1353

JULY 2018
Claims (July) – $1388.31
July Check # 1354 – 1362

Swanstrom motioned to approve June Treasurer’s Report and July Claims, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Road construction in West Branch Road – the county part is tore up, waiting to hear from the contractor when they will start construction on the township part
  • Township land – discussion on what to do with the land continues. The township would like Pequaywan Lakes Association to continue to take the lead in the discussions, suggestions, involvement, and volunteerism in any work that may be requested. Any work that will be done will have the township and the association involved. The township will request the association to communicate the information to the residents via their webpage and letter to homes both signed by the township and Pequaywan Lakes Association.With the Pequaywan Lake Association’s proposal to earmark money for walking trail and driveway,  Swanstrom motioned to authorize $2000 for expenses in the construction of a trail and cost of culvert plus installation, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried. After further discussions and determining $2000 is not enough, Kuettel motioned to amend the amount to $3000, Mead seconded, motion carried.Mead motioned to contract  Daryl Waldrif at $75 per hour to prep the driveway for the culvert installation and roughing-in of the trail. Waldrif will let the board know when that will be done.A permit is needed to put up a driveway and before a permit is issued, an address for the town property is needed.  Mead has been working with St. Louis County and other government entities on acquiring an address.
  • Tree spraying/planting – Mead mentioned that the cost for spraying will be $90 per acre and spraying will be done at the end of the summer and before leaves fall by Future Forest. A DNR Forester recommended commercial tree planting. Mead contacted DNR if there will be cost-sharing for the cost of the trees and was advised that the answer is “no” since the township does not pay taxes.
  • Frontier Communications construction – the approval letter to do construction has been mailed and will wait to hear from Frontier when construction will start on installing fiber optic.
  • St Louis County Comprehensive Land Use Plan – Mead is concerned that the county is taking away the authority of townships. He is planning to attend the meeting in August.
  • Reminder: Primary Election, Tuesday, August 14, 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
  • St. Louis County Planning and Community Development re-August Board of Adjustment, variance application for a property located in the township for review – the county is asking a resolution outlining the town’s response to the variance request. A hearing date will be set up at a later date. The board is uncertain what the county wanted the board to do since the old home was tore down and a new one being built. Mead is going to the property and talk to the workers onsite and check what they are doing.
  • MN Department of Revenue Board of Appeal and Equalization re-availability of LBAE online training – Kuettel attended the Summer Short Course last May and completed the LBAE training which is good for four years.
  • Timely reporting of training compensation and reimbursements to the treasurer – Barnes requested the board to submit any training and work hours compensation as they occur for a timely payment.
  • Public Accuracy Test/Automark – For townships with less than 500 registered voters, publication of Public Accuracy Test for the Automark in newspapers is no longer required. However, a Public Notice must be posted in the town’s posting boards.
  • Appointing Deputy Clerk – Wallace requested if the board can hire Marialice Arndt as a Deputy Clerk to cover taking minutes during her absence. Barnes mentioned that the Deputy Clerk must also be able to perform CTAS data entry and other clerk duties. However, she is only willing to take meeting minutes and not other duties. Therefore, instead of hiring a Deputy Clerk, Swanstrom motioned to hire Marialice Arndt as a substitute to take and type meeting minutes during the clerk’s absence with salary of $25 per meeting, seconded by Mead, motion carried
  • Online Election Judge Training Module – The county has a training module that clerks can use in training election judges in the amount of $9.90. Wallace is requesting use of the module to train new judges. Motioned by Mead, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.



  • Email from St.Louis Co Planning and Community Development re-August Board of Adjustment – variance application for a property located in the township for review
  • Email from MN Department of Revenue Board of Appeal and Equalization re-availability of LBAE online training
  • Information on Summer Specialized Election Training for Clerks from Minnesota Association of Townships – Wallace attended the training in May
  • Request for Assessment search from a title company

Sent: Wallace responded to the Assessment search request by the title company that the township does not conduct assessments and for them to contact St. Louis County.

Public Comments:

  • A resident inquired if it was true that DNR’s access to Pequaywan Lake will happen next year. The board responded that they never heard of it.
  • Problem of phone service in the area. Other residents commented that they don’t have a problem, others do.
  • A resident asked if the town will be getting any income. Barnes responded that the town received $18,000.00 from the county on July 3rd for tax levy which will appear in next month’s treasurer’s report.

Next Meeting:

August 14, 8:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Due to the Primary Election held on August 14 until 8:00 p.m.,, meeting will start at 8:30 p.m. or after ballots are counted and reported to St. Louis County.

Mead motioned to adjourn at 8:50 p.m., seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

June 12, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to OrderMeeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Don Swanstrom.

Present: Chair Don Swanstrom, Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Ray Barnes and Clerk Lita Wallace. Others in attendance: three residents and one non-resident.

Clerk’s Report: Minutes of May meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Mead to approve minutes, second by Kuettel, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Barnes reported the following:

May 2018
Total Cash on hand as of 05/01/2018 – $256,601.06
Plus: Deposits – $221.66
Less Disbursements (May) – $965.02
Total Cash on hand as of 05/31/2018 – $255,857.70
May Check # 1337 – 1346

June 2018
Claims (June) – $914.38
June Check # 1347 – 1353

Kuettel motioned to approve May treasurer’s report and June 2018 Claims, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Primary Election: Tuesday, August 14, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
  • Township Property: Mead reported that spraying will be done this summer to kill the new Poplar growth. The County is presently logging on the county land adjacent to the township property. Pequaywan Association discussed during their last meeting that now is the best time to develop the land following feedback from the community such as creating a hiking trail; installing bench seats; play area for badminton, bean bag toss; building a Community Center. Location for the Community Center will have to be determined that will dictate next step for its development. Solar panel would be most beneficial. The township needs access to the township land through the county land. Mead motioned Gordy Larson, a resident, to have the authority to act for the township in requesting entry from St. Louis County.

New Business

  • Approval of election judges for Primary Election – Wallace recommended the following to serve: Katherine Sluka and Robert McDonough as election judges and Lita Wallace as Head Election Judge. Kuettel motioned to approve, second by Mead, motion carried.
  • Due to Primary Election on the same day of the town meeting, August town meeting move to start at 8:30 p.m or after the ballots are counted
  • Deb Pomroy has agreed to be the Weed Inspector for the township and offered a salary that is the same as what the treasurer and clerk receives, will work the minimum hours required by the State or 10 hours. Pomroy will devise a plan on areas to work on the time allotted. Scot motioned to approve, second  by Kuettel, motion carried.
  • Chinese mystery snail has been reported seen at Little Pequaywan Lake which was also reported to the Deparment of Natural Resources.



  • Bill from Minnesota Association of Townships for Summer Short Course Registration-$100
  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office: Minutes of Pequaywan Township LBAE meeting on May 9
  • Email from St. Louis County: List of 2018 Party Election Judge List
  • Email from Elections Department: Instructions and forms to use for candidate filings
  • Email from Elections Department: Election training schedule for clerks and election judges (train the trainer)
  • Email and postage mail from SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) : 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
  • MN Association of Townships: Insider Magazine
  • Mail from St. Louis Co Planning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan – Draft Goals and Objectives
  • Mail from Minnesota State Demographic Center re-2017 Population and Household Estimates
  • Mail from Mid-State Consultants re-Frontier Communications work in West Branch Road

Sent: Two letters to residents re-LBAE appeal

Public Comment: None

Next Meeting: July 10, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn– Kuettel motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., second by Mead, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

May 8, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to OrderMeeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Chair Don Swanstrom.

Present: Chair Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Ray Barnes and Clerk Lita Wallace. Others in attendance: two residents and one non-resident.

Clerk’s Report: Minutes of April meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Mead to approve minutes, seconded by Kuettel, with corrections,  motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Barnes reported the following:

APRIL 2018:
Total Cash on hand as of 04/01/2018 – $259,081.38
Plus: Deposits – $217.78
Less Disbursements (April) – $2,698.10
Total Cash on hand as of 04/30/2018 – $256,601.06
April Check # 1329 – 1336

Swanstrom motioned to approve April Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Mead, motion carried.

MAY 2018
Claims (May) – $965.02
May Check # 1337 – 1346

Old Business

  • Reminder: LBAE (Local Board of Appeals & Equalization) meeting scheduled May 9, 5-6 p.m. Pequaywan Fire Department

New Business

  • Approval of May 2018 Claims – Swanstrom motioned to approve May 2018 Claims, seconded by Mead, motion carried.
  • Discussion on the closed access of the county gravel pit and possible future use of the Township land – Richard Arndt, a resident (who in 2006 had volunteered to administer the  brush pile in the county land in agreement with Pequaywan Township, Pequaywan Fire & EMS and Pequaywan Lakes  Association), presented that Randy Roff, St. Louis County Forester, advised him that the township can no longer use the gravel pit for brush pile due to the upcoming road construction this year. They will be using it for their equipment and machinery. Mead then  motioned not to have Brush Day this year, Kuettel seconded, motion carried. Public announcement will be posted in posting places that there will be no Brush Day in 2018 and residents must not bring brush to the gravel pit. Also, request the Pequaywan Lakes Association assistance in contacting residents via email and/or website.
  • Discuss process for determining action to be taken on township property – suggestions were: a walking path, fire pit, and  community garden.
  • LBAE online training for board members available on July 1
  • General Election for federal and state offices is scheduled on November 6, 2018 at Pequaywan Firehall starting at 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
  • Tree Planting – Mead reported that it will take 1-2 years to have new growth in the town property which can be sprayed with herbicide this year to kill the new growth We can use the contractor, Future Forest, that St. Louis County uses, cost is $75 per acre to spray herbicide. By 2019, new trees could be planted and depending on what kind of tree, cost will run from $400.00 to $750.00 per acre. For long range planning, we would like to have Pequaywan Lakes Association be involved. Mead will talk with its leadership and discuss this issue further at next meeting.
  • Weed Inspector – Barnes reminded the importance of complying with weed inspection according to a MN Statute and must be conducted by a professional. Swanstrom is the weed inspector but he said that he does not have a background for it. He motioned to hire a professional weed inspector and inspect the minimum required 10-15 hours. Mead seconded, motion carried.


Wallace reported the correspondences received during this month:

  1. May 2018 Update Newsletter (via email) from Minnesota Association of Towships re-Events and Trainings, Legislative Updates, schedule of free septic system and well management workshops from UMD and MDH (see list of workshops below)
  2. Email from St. Louis County Elections Department re-instruction to post 2018 Notice of General Election listing positions for election on November 6
  3. Email from St. Louis County Elections Department re-delivery of Automark/M100 to St. Louis County for maintenance
  4. Email from SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) – minutes of April meeting and notice of Annual Meeting and Election of Officers on May 23 at Cotton Community Center
  5. Email from a resident for real estate appeal
  6. Bill from Minnesota Association of Townships for $50, registration for Spring Short Course attendance

Sent: None

Public Comment: None 

Next Meeting: June 12, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

 Motion to Adjourn – Mead motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk


Free septic system and well management workshops from UMN and MDH

The University of Minnesota Onsite Sewage Treatment Program and the Minnesota Department of Health are offering FREE septic system and private well homeowner education classes across Minnesota.

The classes will cover the basics of how septic systems function, well water testing, and how to help protect your well from contamination sources. It will also provide property owners information on chemicals of emerging concern (CEC) including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and the potential impact on ground and surface water. Information on proper maintenance of both septic systems and private drinking water systems will be covered to help property owners protect their investments and the environment. A representative from the county will be present to answer any questions you may have related to the local ordinance and related programs.

Below is the list of locations and local contacts for more information:

May 9, 2018

Douglas County Lake Association
Douglas County Public Works
526 Willow Dr, Alexandria, MN
Contact: Pat Schultz, email: / Phone: 320-762-3868

June 5, 2018
Lake County
Law Enforcement Center
613 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN
Contact: Emily Nelson, Email: / Phone: 651-249-5868 / Christine McCarthy,
Email: \ Phone: 218 -834-8322.

June 6, 2018
Cook County
7401 Gunflint Trail, Grand Marais, MN
Contact: Irene Mullen, Email:,

June 6, 2018
Cook County
Grand Marais Community Center
317 W. 5th Street, Grand Marais, MN
Contact: Irene Mullen: Email:

June 14, 2018
Kandiyohi County
Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services Building
2200 23rd Street NE Willmar, MN
Contact: Eric VanDyken, Email: / Phone: 320-905-4489, 320-231-6229, ext. 5257

June 28, 2018
Itasca Waters
Wabana Town Hall
36463 Hunter Drive, Grand Rapids, MN
Contact: Patty Gould St. Aubin, Email: / Phone: 218-259-1603

October 2, 2018
Washington County
Hooley Hall
12300 40th St N, Stillwater, MN
Contact: Stephanie Souter, Kati Hallerman Email: / / Phone: 651-430-6655

November 6, 2018
Dakota County
Extension & Conservation Center
4100 220th Street W Ste 101, Farmington, MN
Contact: Emily Gable, Email: / Phone: 952-891-7008

March 7, 2019
Blue Earth County/Nicollet County
Blue Earth Government Center
410 South 5th Street, Mankato, MN
Contact: Pete Otterness, Email: / Phone: 507-934-7076

April 10, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to OrderMeeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.

Present: Chair-Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Ray Barnes and Clerk Lita Wallace. Others in attendance: two residents and one non-resident.

Oath of Office for newly elected supervisor: Kuettel was sworn-in.

Clerk’s Report: Minutes of March meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Mead to approve minutes, seconded by Swanstrom. motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

MARCH 2018

Total Cash on hand as of 03/01/2018 – $255,086.58
Plus: Deposits – $5,324.14
Less Disbursements (March) – $1,329.34
Total Cash on hand as of 03/31/2018 – $259,081.38
March Check # 1318 – 1328

Mead motioned to approve March Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried.

APRIL 2018

Claims (April) – $2,698.10
April Check # 1329 – 1336

Old Business

  • Reminder: LBAE (Local Board of Appeals & Equalization) meeting scheduled May 9, 5-6 p.m. Pequaywan Fire Department
  • Update on a 2-day seminar attended by Mead on February 29 to March 1 – In January, approved reimbursement was for $300.00 but actual expenses for hotel and registration fee was $473.00. Swanstrom motioned to approve reimbursement of $473.00, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
  • Notary stamp purchase for clerk to serve as Ex-Officio Notary for town business as required by Stat. § 358.15 – Wallace explained that town clerks simply by virtue of holding the office can notarize town documents and administer oaths of office. Cost will be approximately $30.00. Mead motioned to approve, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
  • A representative from  KTM Paving presented their proposal for repair of West Branch Road and a contract for signature. There are six sections for the project. Mead motioned to accept the contract in the amount of $98,700.00, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried. Start date is weather oriented but confirmed that it will be completed before August 2018. Refer to the contract for information on the project.

New Business

  • Approval of April 2018 Claims – Swanstrom motioned to approve April claims in the amount of $2,698.10 which includes a bill from St. Louis County for snowplowing, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
  • Correction of clerk salary while performing election judge duties – Wallace explained that during the Spring Short Course attended, the trainer mentioned that since election is part of the clerk’s duties, clerks should receive a clerk wage during elections and not election judge pay. This is specified in Chapter 4 of the Township Manual. Mead motioned to approve correction of clerk salary while performing duties as election judge, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
  • Clarification as to the last day of office of outgoing board officer – the outgoing board officer shall serve until the next annual election, when a successor is elected, and sworn-in to office
  • Swanstrom was voted and accepted to serve as Chair from April 2018-March 2019
  • Mead was voted and accepted to serve as Vice-Chair in the absence of the Chair
  • Kuettel will be made co-signer for the bank account and to remove outgoing supervisor Lee Kaplan

Correspondence Received

  • Bill from St. Louis County Public Works Department for plowing West Branch Road in the amount of $1,006.25
  • Three requests from Abstract companies re-assessment search – Wallace called or emailed them that the township does not conduct assessment
  • Email from the Office of the State Auditor encouraging payments from the state via electronic fund transfer – Barnes reported that the township had already been receiving payments via electronic fund transfer
  • Email SLCAT (St. Louis Co. Association of Township) February Minutes
  • Emails from St. Louis Co. Election Department re-requirements for designation or change of polling locations; dates of election training for Election Clerk and Election Judge; and Order of Succession in emergency elections plan form to be completed and returned to the Election Department – Wallace will attend the Election Clerk Training (June 15) and Election Judge Training (July 20) at St Louis County in Duluth. The Election Judge Training’s purpose is to train the trainer, meaning, the clerk will in turn train the election judges.

Correspondence Sent

  • Election position Order of Succession form sent to St Louis County as required – this is a list of Pequaywan town election judges
  • Levy form for 2019 has been mailed and confirmed received by St. Louis County: General Fund – $4,890.00; Fire and EMS – $13,500.00; Road and Bridge (Ongoing Maintenance) – $1,650.00; Road and Bridge (Capital Reserve) – $9,960.00 totaling $30,000.00 as approved during Annual Meeting

Public Comment: KTM will provide free estimate for private driveway work. Contact info: 218-729-1446.

Next Meeting: May 8, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn – Mead motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

March 13, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Call to OrderMeeting was called to order at 8:47 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.

Present: Chair-Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Lee Kaplan, Supervisor Don Swanstrom, Treasurer Ray Barnes and Clerk Lita Wallace. Others in attendance: twelve residents and one non-resident.

Clerk’s Report: Minutes of February meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Swanstrom to approve the minutes, Scott Mead seconded,  motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:

February 2018 Treasurer’s Report

Total Cash on hand as of 02/01/2018 – $252,476.49
Plus: Deposits – $3,881.38
Less Disbursements (February) – $1,271.29
Total Cash on hand as of 02/28/2018 – $255,086.58
February Check # 1314 – 1317

Mead motioned to approve the February Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Lee, motion carried unanimously.

March 2018 Treasurer’s Report

Claims (March) – $1,329.34
March Check # 1318 – 1328

Old Business

  • Update on KTM Paving repair of West Branch Road – KTM estimated the cost to be under $100,000.00 for raising, filling, and to black top the road. The price also includes culvert work.
  • Reminder: LBAE (Local Board of Appeals & Equalization) meeting scheduled May 9, 5-6 p.m. Pequaywan Fire Department
  • Result of 2018 Town Election: Charles Kuettel won the election for supervisor position
  • Approved Levy as discussed at the Annual Town Meeting was $30,000.00 with $13,500.00 going to Pequaywan Fire Department

New Business

  • Approval of March 2018 Claims – Motioned and seconded,  motion carried unanimously.
  • Spring Short Courses – Town officers interested in attending can register themselves and will be reimbursed.

Correspondence Received

  • Email from U.S. Census Bureau re-Boundary and Annexation Survey
  • Letter from Frontier Communications asking permission to locate, construct, operate and maintain telephone facilities along Lake Street.
  • Two Absentee Ballots from resident voters by postage mail
  • Email of Township Roster and Master List from St. Louis County Election Department for town election and form to complete and submit an updated list and contact information of town officers
  • Email from St. Louis County Public Works re-Beaver Control Program Clarification
  • Newsletter Email from Minnesota Association of Townships re- Annual Town Meeting, March Elections, Spring Short Courses and Lobby Days
  • Letter from Minnesota Association of Townships re-form to complete and submit an updated list and contact information of town officers
  • Minutes of January 2018 meeting from St. Louis County Association of Townships
  • Letter from Century Link re-plans for 2018 Construction Season

Correspondence Sent

  • Barnes completed and sent the Office of State Auditor required annual financial reporting of town activities to the State
  • Mead completed and submitted the U.S. Census Bureau’s request for Boundary and Annexation Survey
  • Mead completed and sent a response to Frontier Communications

Public Comment

Next Meeting: April 10, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn: Kaplan motion to adjourn at 9:30 p.m., second by Swanstrom,  motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk