August 12, 2008 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Supervisors Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, & Scott Mead, Treasurer, Keith Stoneburner, Clerk, Maryalice Arndt

7 township residents present

Next meeting set for Sept 9, 2008

Old business:

Condition of the West Branch: KTM Paving was to come out to look at the road and get in touch with Rick, but he has not heard from them yet.

Old Resort update: Was mentioned by Rick that perhaps one building has sold.

Issue of defining the right-of-way of road the last ½ to ¾ mile of West Branch road:  A resident in that area of the last ½ to ¾ mile came to the board and asked for assistance and direction in dealing with issues with another resident in the last ½ to ¾ mile area.  The board directed him to deal with his personal attorney and involve the Sheriff Dept if needed.  The board will draft a letter regarding the parking personal items on the road.

Water level of the lakes:  Scott suggested putting up some permanent markers on the lakes to monitor the water level.  Scott is going to contact Amy Loiselle to get some feedback regarding the water level.

New business:

WLSSD recycling program with 2 containers – they would like to know if we are interested.

Scott brought up the issue of low cell phone coverage in the area.  He will contact AT&T to see if they are interested in putting a tower in the area.

A resident asked about the ditches being mowed.  Reply was that it is a county issue.

Meeting adjourned by Mark, 2nd by Scott.

OUT OF MEETING NOTATION: Due to the Primary election scheduled to be held September 9th, 2008, townships are not allowed to hold meetings between 6pm – 8pm.  Therefore the September 9th township meeting will begin at 8:15 for this meeting only.

July 8, 2008 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead, Keith Stoneburner

2 township residents present

Next meeting set for Aug 12, 2008

June 10th, 2008 meeting minutes read by clerk April Smitke, approved and 2nd by board.

Old business:

Condition of the West Branch road and fixing it has been started again with the answers given below on the logging.  We are waiting on calls back from asphalt companies.

Logging status: Mark received a 5-6 page notice and will follow-up with concerns/questions to the logging company of 1) Sign notice to those driving on the West Branch road because of the limited shoulders and tight turns; ANSWER – Yes, they will do sign notice. 2) More explanation on the wording of “damage to road”; ANSWER – They have not dealt in the past with township roads and in looking at the current road condition, they have decided to make it a complete winter project. 3) If they re-plant trees; ANSWER – One area of the clearing is Aspen that should come up on their own, the other part that is not Aspen they will not plant on.  They would need to get a 5- year easement from the land owner to follow-up on the re-planting.

Old Resort update is that the land is platted for 2 septic.  The understanding is that one will go on southside, another by the old cabin.  The progress going forward seems legitimate.

Issue of defining the right-of-way of road the last ½ to ¾ mile of West Branch road was briefly discussed with a lawyer.  Township stance at this point is to not progress any further unless brought directly to the board for assistance.

New business:

The water level of the lakes was brought up as a possible point of concern to send to St. Louis County on a request from them to townships.  Scott was to bring up the issue at the next Pequaywan Assoc. meeting.

Meeting adjourned by Mark, 2nd by Scott.

OUT OF MEETING NOTATION: Due to the Primary election scheduled to be held September 9th, 2008, townships are not allowed to hold meetings between 6pm – 8pm.  Therefore the September 9th township meeting will begin at 8:15 for this meeting only.

June 10, 2008 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry & Scott Mead

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

6 township residents present

Next meeting set for July 8, 2008

May 13th, 2008 meeting minutes read by clerk, approved by board.

Old business:

Condition of the West Branch road and fixing it has been placed on hold due to news that there is expected to be logging off of the West Branch road.  Mark received a 5-6 page notice and will follow-up with concerns/questions to the logging company of 1) Sign notice to those driving on the West Branch road because of the limited shoulders and tight turns  2) More explanation on the wording of “damage to road”  3) If they re-plant trees.

The county attorney and county health dept. seem to be getting involved in the resort property sale on little Pequaywan.  There may be potential issues of splitting the land because of current lot length.

Residents came to the board with information on the discussions they have had with each other on the sale of property on E. Shore Rd. and all seems to be moving along fine.  Verbal agreements were made by residents that there is an understanding of the purchase plan.  The resident group has not heard from the county on status of the purchase.

New business:

Concern brought up on defining the right-of-way of road the last ½ to ¾ mile of West Branch road.  It was discussed to hire a law firm to help with the matter of determining what is public vs. private.

Scott asked the board for their “ok” to have a recognition made to the Pequaywan Township at the Pequaywan Association picnic this summer for the 150 year celebration of Minnesota.  The board approved.

Mention made for the annual Pequaywan Fire Dept pancake feed at Fire Hall on July 6th.

Motion made by Mark Freeman to adjourn the Meeting, 2nd by Scott. Motion approved.

May 13, 2008 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry & Keith Stoneburner

Absent: Scott Mead

4 township residents present

Next meeting set for June 10, 2008

April 8, 2008 meeting minutes read by clerk.  Motion to approve by Mark, 2nd approval by Rick. Motion carried

Old business discussed:

Rick discussed the condition of the roads and that stripping the cracks may not help much longer.  Mark to call a contractor to speak with Rick.

The resort property on little Pequaywan was mentioned in that it is to be for sale, but still advertising “For Rent” sign. It was mentioned that Planning & Zoning has backed off.

New business:

Resident Mark Cotter came to the board with questions on County sale of property on E. Shore Rd. and his interest in being included in discussion on the property because his land is adjacent.  The board requested that he contact Judy Strom to get involved in the discussions that have and will take place.

Motion to adjourn the meeting Meeting made by Mark, 2nd by Rick. Motion carried.

April 8, 2008 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry & Scott Mead

Absent: Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

8 township residents present

Next Meeting set for May 13, 2008

February 12th, 2008 meeting minutes read by clerk.  Approved by Mark, 2nd approval by Scott.

Old business discussed:

Rick discussed the condition of the roads and that stripping the cracks may not help much longer.  Discussion may need to be had on a better “fix” for the roads.

The resort property on little Pequaywan was mentioned in that it is to be for sale, but still advertising “For Rent” sign.

Board of Appeals & Equalization meeting set for April 30th, 2008.

Scott discussed the Hazard Waste pick-up at Northstar Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2pm-7pm. Free of charge

It was asked if there would be interest of having our own recycling drop-off center here to make money, but the response was that we have an agreement with Northstar that the Pequaywan resisdents go down there for recycling.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Mark, 2nd by Rick. All voted aye.

March 11, 2008 Annual Town Meeting

Meeting convened: 8:25 PM after Elections


∙ All Supervisors present in addition to Clerk and Treasurer and approximately 24 residents

Clerk Marialice Arndt called the meeting to order at 8:25 PM. A motion was made and seconded to elect Richard Arndt to preside as Citizen Monitor for the meeting. Motion carried. A motion and second was made to wave reading of the minutes from the March 2007 Annual Meeting. Motion carried. A motion and second was made to wave reading of all checks written and received by the treasurer. Motion carried. A financial report was presented for all to review and no questions were asked.

Rick Fry gave road report. He advised that the road is snow covered and a total assessment would not be made until the pavement was bare. Last year’s county assessment was that it was not in good enough shape for them to patch. After assessment later this spring, if it is deemed necessary to patch, a contractor will need to be found to do the job.

The levy for taxes was discussed. Motioned and seconded that the levy remain at $23,000. Motion carried. Of the $23,000 levy $9050 is for fire protection.

A report was given by Clerk Arndt on the Annual Election. Rick Fry was reelected for another three year term of Supervisor. April Smitke was elected as the new town clerk for a two year term.

Motioned and seconded to authorize an amendment to the resolution establishing voting hours. The resolution reads that the hours for polling place to remain open from 5:00 to 8:00 pm for all Annual Town Elections and the polling place to remain open for voting from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM for Primary, General and Special Statewide Elections. An amendment was motioned to authorize school board election hours to be from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Motion failed. An amendment was motioned to authorize school board election hours to be from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Motion carried.

Motioned and seconded that the monthly meetings continue to be held at the PVFD Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Motion carried. Motioned and seconded that the next Annual Meeting be held on the second Tuesday of March 2009 after the Annual Election. Motion carried.

Discussion of locations for postings was had and it was concluded that the current postings are adequate. Posting sites are at the Pequaywan Inn town bulletin board, PVFD bulletin board, website and website. There is however times, such as accepting certain bids, when it is mandatory to publish in a newspaper.

After discussion on whether the Town of Pequaywan should start the process of developing a comprehensive plan, a motion was made and seconded to develop a citizen committee who would develop a letter that would explain what a comprehensive plan, pose the question if the citizens would favor a comprehensive plan being developed and to bring the topic back for further discussion at the April Town Meeting. Motion failed.

It was not necessary to authorize budget for any MAT training sessions as the elected officers have permission to attend any training that they wish to.

When asked if a consideration could be given for higher pay for the head election judge who has more responsible than the other election judges the topic was deferred to a regular monthly town meeting where the supervisors could address the issue.

A request was made by the fire department for all citizens to consider volunteering. The majority of the volunteer firefighters have many years of seniority and some new recruits would be welcome. There are many levels of involvement that a person can consider.

Motioned and seconded to adjourn at 9:45 PM. Motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

February 12, 2008 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Scott Mead

Supervisor Unexcused: Rick Fry

Others: Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer; Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 8 residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The January board minutes were read and with correction of “treasurer report was available for review”, was approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The January treasurer report was available for review. Treasurer Stoneburner presented financial overview for 2008. He also presented graphs of budgeting expenses from the recent past years.

Old Business

Comp Plan

Arndt reported that the cost of securing list of all township residents from the county would be approximately $80.00. Such a list would be necessary if a survey was developed and mailed. Mead suggests that a volunteer committee be organized at the March Annual Meeting to work on the comprehensive plan. Freeman expressed that the process and final result would probably not have much value or “teeth”. Residents expressed that it would be a community builder giving residents a voice in how our community grows.

East Shore Road and Pinewood Road Property

A registered letter was mailed to the one resident who has not responded to the proposal of Pequaywan Township purchasing property for resale to involved property owners. The resident responded as not being interested. Residents suggested that township pay for land and let the involved group finish the process of variances etc. Board advises that their legal advise the last time this process was done was that the township needed to have all the variances etc in place before selling to individual land owners. Freeman suggested that perhaps after Pequaywan purchased the land that a interest charge would be accessed on amount of purchased price to said property owners until the lengthy process was complete. That way the rest of Pequaywan residents would not have any impact of the process (loss of interest on money paid out). Residents will continue researching process procedure and report back in March.

Security Gate on County Property

A citizen commented on a security gate that appears to be on County property at the January meeting. Freeman advises that when he contacted the Land Department he was advised that the gate was on residents property but that it appears that the gate blocks access to the county gravel pit at that property site. If we wish to continue inquiry we are to call back in the spring for them to continue evaluation.

New Business

County Association and Minnesota Association of Township dues for July 1, 2007 through June 20, 2008 are due in the amount of $392.80 ($99.00 for County and $292.80 for MAT)

Invoice for Snow Plowing done by county from January – June 2008 is due in the amount of $731.50. Notice received that increase for snow plowing beginning November 1, 2008 will be $700.00 per mile.

St Louis County Crushing, Crack Sealing, and Striping Program 2007

West Branch Road was stripped in 2007 and a refund check of excess funds of $761.11 has been received.

Received notification that ownership of the AutoMARK has been transferred to the township. We were advised to recharge batteries in AutoMARK every 6 months to prolong life of the batteries. Recharge could take 2-3 hours.

Meeting Dates

March Monthly Meeting March 11, 2008 after local elections and Annual Meeting.

∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM. Seconded, motion carried.

Local Elections March 11, 2008 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM PVFD

Annual Meeting to be March 11, 2008 approximately 8:30 PM after election results tabulated.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

December 11, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present:

Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Others Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 9 residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:30  PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The November  board minutes were read, corrected  and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead.  All ayes, motion carried.  A correction was made to clarify that it was not WLSSD but rather the St Louis County’s Hazardous Waste Site that takes in various items.  Residents were advised to call for items accepted and fees involved.

Treasurer Report

The November  treasurer report was available for review.

Old Business

Comp Plan

An invitation has been issued to Jessie Shombert of the Sea Grant Program to speak about Comp Planning.

Resort on Little Pequaywan

The County Attorney is considering taking legal action against the resident that is renting his property out as a resort.

ATV Trail from West Branch Road to Bear Lake

The county has advised that the ATV trail from West Branch Road to Bear Lake will be blocked.

High Water Level of Pequaywan Lake

The dam height guidelines were determined by the DNR and it has not been changed.  Fall rains have put the water 6-8″ over the top of dam and trees are under water.  There appears to be no beaver activity affecting the water level.

East Shore Road and Pinewood Road Property

Resident Gordy Larsen presented a list of homeowners that have been notified of the possibility of Pequaywan Township purchasing property for resale to involved property owners.  All residents have responded but one; a letter has been mailed to said resident with no response. Due to the complexity of the matter the issue will probably be brought back to the board for discussion in the spring of 2008.  It was discussed that the Land Department no longer inventories property lines but is now done by Land Surveyors.

New Business

Filing Dates

January 1 through January 15, 2008 are the dates for filing for office for the March elections.  One Supervisor Position and one clerk position is to be on the March ballot.  Forms are available at the Hall and from Clerk Arndt.

Meeting Dates

January  Monthly Meeting January 8th at 7:30 PM.

C Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00  PM.  Mead seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt Date

Approved as to form and content by Mark Freeman, Chair Date


November 13, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Freeman

Supervisors Mead, Freeman, and Fry present

Clerk Arndt and Treasurer Stoneburner Excused

Minutes read and approved Freeman & Mead

Treasurers report available for review

Old Business:

Resort on Little Pequaywan still appears available for rent.

Trail to bear lake currently not included with state trail.

Comp plan possible funding from sea grant program. Possible Jessie Shomberg come in January possible no charge for study UMD. Mead to check on this.

New Business:

Should West Branch be listed as not part of trail system?

Supervisor Mead attended county twp meeting.

St. Louis County Solid waste will accept without charge, appliances, used oil, batteries, tires and wheels small fluorescent lamps. Small fee for tv, monitors, keyboards, cpu and 8 foot fluorescent lamps.

Lake rental problems not confined to Pequaywan. Same issue is happening on Lake Vermillion.

Weed control is a real problem for County. Petition for putting spotted Knapweed on advise on noxious weed list. Spotted knapweed toxic, will kill small trees.

Discussion on the possible purchase of county property located in area between East Shore Road and Pinewood Road by Pequaywan Township for resale to involved property owners. Board asked for more input to be sure all parties involved in the area, were fully informed that there was the possibility of purchase. Documentation required proving that all parties were approached about the possible purchase. The Township must be guaranteed instant payment to proceed. The property owners will be charged for all legal fees incurred by the township.

DNR to be contacted about the level of Little Pequaywan Lake. Appears to be too high.

Soup and dessert before the next meeting 5:30-7:00

County can mandate weed removal.

Motion to sign petition on listing spotted knapweed made by Fry was approved.

Motion to adjourn by Freeman and seconded by Fry

Meeting adjourned at 8:30