November 13, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Freeman

Supervisors Mead, Freeman, and Fry present

Clerk Arndt and Treasurer Stoneburner Excused

Minutes read and approved Freeman & Mead

Treasurers report available for review

Old Business:

Resort on Little Pequaywan still appears available for rent.

Trail to bear lake currently not included with state trail.

Comp plan possible funding from sea grant program. Possible Jessie Shomberg come in January possible no charge for study UMD. Mead to check on this.

New Business:

Should West Branch be listed as not part of trail system?

Supervisor Mead attended county twp meeting.

St. Louis County Solid waste will accept without charge, appliances, used oil, batteries, tires and wheels small fluorescent lamps. Small fee for tv, monitors, keyboards, cpu and 8 foot fluorescent lamps.

Lake rental problems not confined to Pequaywan. Same issue is happening on Lake Vermillion.

Weed control is a real problem for County. Petition for putting spotted Knapweed on advise on noxious weed list. Spotted knapweed toxic, will kill small trees.

Discussion on the possible purchase of county property located in area between East Shore Road and Pinewood Road by Pequaywan Township for resale to involved property owners. Board asked for more input to be sure all parties involved in the area, were fully informed that there was the possibility of purchase. Documentation required proving that all parties were approached about the possible purchase. The Township must be guaranteed instant payment to proceed. The property owners will be charged for all legal fees incurred by the township.

DNR to be contacted about the level of Little Pequaywan Lake. Appears to be too high.

Soup and dessert before the next meeting 5:30-7:00

County can mandate weed removal.

Motion to sign petition on listing spotted knapweed made by Fry was approved.

Motion to adjourn by Freeman and seconded by Fry

Meeting adjourned at 8:30

October 9, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Supervisors Unexcused: Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 8 residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The September board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The October treasurer report was available for review.

Old Business

Comp Plan

It was discussed that funding to develop a comp plan is not available at this time. Mead will continue to look for sources.

Resort on Little Pequaywan

Fry contact the County and was advised this matter is unresolved and that the County Attorney was to be involved. Matter is on-going.

ATV Trail from West Branch Road to Bear Lake

The supervisors have not had any further conversation with any residents about the trail.

New Business

HAVA Guidelines for Townships

The deadline for compliance to the new HAVA guidelines for townships has been extended to 2010. As AutoMark compatibly is inevitable the board decided that we will use AutoMark compatible ballots for the March local election.

Meeting Dates

Next Monthly Meeting November 13th at 7:30 PM.

∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Fry seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

September 11, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk,  Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer                                                 Approximately 8  residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:30  PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The August  board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead.  All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The September treasurer report was available for review.  As the only expenses were for supervisors no checks were cut.

Road Report

Fry called and requested the County to give advice on whether West Branch Road  would benefit from signage about soft/no shoulder concerns.  The issue was unresolved after conversation with the County.

Old Business

Comprehensive Plan:

Further discussion was had on the need for a Comprehensive Plan for the Township of Pequaywan.  Some residents see a plan as a vision of what the citizens desire for our community, while others express concerns about language in the plan might put us in controversy with the County Planning & Zoning .  It was discussed that as the planning process is lengthy and expensive that a grant would be necessary to proceed with such a plan.

Resort on Little Pequaywan:

The property owner that has used his property as a resort was issued a Cease and Desist order which has been countered by his lawyer that argues that the property is not being run as a resort.  Matter is on-going.

New Business

Boat Ramps:

Residents who build boat ramps may or may not be required to have a permit to do so.  The criteria seems to be if trees/foliage are removed to build ramp.  Residents are advised to contact county authorities if planning to put in a boat ramp, to be in compliance and also for the protection of our lake water quality.

School Elections:

A letter has been received from School District #381 that a levy referendum will be placed on the November 6, 2007 ballot.  Requested information will be mailed to them.

ATV Trail off From West Branch Road to Bear Lake

A long-used ATV trail off from West Branch Road to Bear Lake crosses two private property lines.  Apparently some posting has been done but to no avail.  A question was posed by a group if this trail would/could be closed.  Townships do have the power to outlaw ATV useage on a township road.  As West Branch Road has no shoulder, riders need to ride on the road.  It was questioned if the Township could be held liable as the road has no shoulder. In questioning the DNR about legality of riding on a township road, a resident was advised that a rider cannot legally ride strictly on the road and another resident was advised that it was legal to ride on the road.  Apparently it depends on circumstances, enforcement officer, and if it comes to legal matters, the judge.  No action taken.

Hazardous Waste Disposal:

North Star Recycling will hold a Hazardous Pick-up day in the spring of 2008.  Further information to follow.

Brush Day:

Brush Day to dispose of yard waste will be Saturday September 15th from 9:00 am to noon.  The disposal site is the gravel pit off from Highway 44 near the storage units.

Residents’ Questions

A resident representing Pequaywan Lake Association inquired if the Township would partner with the Lake Association in placing uniform marker buoys on the lakes.  With discussion, it was determined that being involved in placing buoys could lead to liability issues and it was deemed not appropriate to be involved.

Meeting Dates

October  Monthly Meeting October 9th at 7:30 PM.

Weed Inspector holding meeting in Cotton on October 24th.

WLSSD will hold a coffee/open house at the North Star Recycling Center in the AM of October 13th.  Pequaywan residents are encouraged to attend.

C Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35  PM.  Fry seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt Date

August 14, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Supervisors Excused: Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Others Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 11 residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The July board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Fry. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The August treasurer report was available for review.

Road Report

West Branch Road has been stripped by the County. An invoice requesting 95% of the payment was received and paid in the amount of $1696.50. A resident asked if a “no shoulder/soft shoulder” sign should be posted. He was concerned after witnessing a car leave the road. Currently trees are left close to the road to prevent such incidents. Fry will call and request the County to give advice on whether the area would benefit from signage.

Old Business

New Business

Letter has been received from Elections Systems advising that increases in pricing will become effective January 1, 2008. These increases may affect St louis County Auditor’s costs for managing elections and may then be passed on to townships/cities. A call was made to the auditor’s office and we were told that the increase should not be very large and there is still HAVA funds available to handle expenses. Arndt reported that the AutoMark is currently with the County being upgraded and for maintenance. It should be returned by next week.

Brush Day

Brush Day to dispose of yard waste will be Saturday September 15th from 9:00 am to noon. The disposal site is the gravel pit off from Highway 44 near the storage units.

Comprehensive Plan

Mead advises that many townships currently have comprehensive plans. The metro cities are mandated to have such a plan. The plan is to outline the communities goals and vision for the near future. Such planning would be proactive in planning for land useage. Grants that have helped with this process, which could cost around $5,000, are not as available as in the past. Mead advises he will continue looking into the process and funds available

Fireman Relief Fund

Mead advises that he attended the August 1st Fireman Meeting. At that meeting the Relief Fund was increased from a benefit of $400.00 to $475.00. This is a pension fund for the volunteer fireman who receive no other compensation for their service to the community.

Township Resolution

Mead presented a memo for signatures that will be mailed to the County Commissioners. The memo reaffirms the Townships position requesting the Cloquet Valley State Forest be classified as “Limited”. The memo will be mailed in partnership with Ault, Fairbanks, Alden and Gnesen Townships.

Fry asked for point of personal privilege to announce that he will be accepting donations for Breast Cancer in conjunction with the Dragon Boat Festival.

Resort on Little Pequaywan

Fry was called about activity on a property on Little Pequaywan. The property owner is leasing his property out as a resort. Fry called County P & Z and was advised that the property must apply for a conditional use permit. Neighbors within 1/4 mile will be notified and a public hearing will be held.

Environmental Issues

Spotted Knapweed is more prevalent this year. The state has turned the control of noxious weeds over to the County. To request a spray program 51% of the townships in the county must petition for the control spray.

Zebra Mussels are another concern that all residents should be aware of. To prevent spread of the mussel boats and trailers should be cleaned and inspected after boating in other bodies of water.

Residents Questions

It was asked if the gate about 1 mile down West Branch Road would ever be open to traffic. The county has closed that access to traffic and it will remain closed.

An inquiry was made if there was any news about a possible cell phone tower in our area. There was no news to report.

Meeting Dates

September Monthly Meeting September 11th at 7:30 PM.

∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 PM. Mead seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

July 10, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk, Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Approximately 9 residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:30  PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The June board minutes were read and amended minuted approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead.  All ayes, motion carried.  A correction was made “There were no checks written in the month of May” was to be the correct statement under the treasurer report.

Treasurer Report

The June treasurer report available for review.

Old Business

Township Website

Rick Fry advised that the website address is and the cost with is $87.93 for two years.  He previewed the site on a laptop; advising that it is very simple with no graphics to make it easier for dial-up users.

Fireman Relief Association:

A statement made by Mr. Petry last month was questioned and found to be in error.  He stated that the Township guarantees the pension amount to the fireman volunteers.  As the township and the fire department are two separate entities the non-profit (i.e., the fire department), is to be the guarantor.

New Business

St Louis County Planning and Zoning Amendments:

Notice of proposed Amendments to Zoning Ordinance Article V, Ordinance 46 and Ordinance 33 were provided for review.  Written comments will be taken until July 27th and a public meeting will be held on August 9, 2007.

Lake Association Use of Hall for Picnic:

After discussion at the Lake Association Meeting it was determined that space and parking would pose a problem so they will not be using the hall for their picnic.

Meeting Dates

July Monthly Meeting August 14 at 7:30 PM.

Mead moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50  PM.  Mead seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt Date

June 12, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk; Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Approximately 14 residents

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Freeman.

Regular Business

The May board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The May treasurer report available for review. Only checks written were for the supervisors.

Old Business

Authorize Expenditure for Township Website and Establish Guidelines

∙ Freeman moved to authorize up to $200.00 per year for township website. Mead seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

A trial period will be used to determine if unapproved minutes are appropriate for the website. Fry is developing the site, will initially place copy on the website and at a later time see if a second password can be used for clerk to place copy on website. Policy for requesting hard copy/e-mail version of minutes was discussed. It was determined a Information Request Form requesting copies needs to be submitted to the clerk (copy of form attached) and copies will be supplied at $.25 per sheet plus postage. Copies are to be prepaid. If a large number of copies are requested it needs to be further discussed and perhaps a flat fee would be charged or actual cost of copies and time needed to compile information may be accessed. Method of taking minutes was also discussed. Supervisors want the minutes to be professional and factual and suggest only topics with action taken be placed in the minutes. In certain situations the findings of fact and reasoning behind the decision may be included.

New Business

Petition to Vacate Portion of Truck Trail Road

Discussion of a posting advising of a petition to vacate a portion of Forest Truck Trail Road determined that no action was needed by the Township but the posting was a legal matter. The old road currently is titled as public property and with the petition the land will become private property accrued to the lot owners.

Pequaywan Lake Fire Department Relief

Treasurer of the Relief Association, Roger Petry, gave a presentation about the retirement program for the volunteer fire department. Currently approximately $5800 is contributed to the fund by the State. The levy that the township accesses for fire protection does not contribute to the fund. He requested signatures from Freeman and Arndt for forms that he needed to file with the state. Mead volunteered to be a Trustee from Pequaywan Township. Petry advises that frequently Townships make provisions to contribute to the Relief Fund and after a meeting with the Pequaywan Fire Department a request may be made asking Pequaywan Township to contribute.

Other Business

∙ Minnesota Association Township Membership Cards Distributed to Supervisors

∙ MN State Demographer figures gives our 2006 population as 139 with 69 households

∙ Cooperative Striping Contracts Signed – Township Cost is to be cost of 150 gallons of paint

∙ The Lake Association requests use of the Fire Hall on July 28th for a picnic – No alcohol is to allowed

Meeting Dates

July Monthly Meeting July 10 at 7:30 PM.

∙ Fry moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM. Freeman seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

April 10, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Officers Excused: Keith Stoneburner

Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 55 residents and guests

The meeting was called to order at 7:30  PM.

It was discussed and determined that Mark Freeman will continue as Chair and Rick Fry will continue as Road & Bridge Supervisors.

Regular Business

The March  board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Mead.  All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The March treasurer report available for review.

Old Business

Planning Commission Summary

A summary letter has been received from St Louis County Planning Commission recommended denial of the rezoning (without prejudice).  Fry has had communication with Scott Smith who has replied that they are waiting for a soil report from the federal government and a decision on county wide rezoning could come in mid-to- late summer.

New Business

Website Creation

Fry is investigating creation of township website and volunteers to maintain it.  Site would offer  approved and unapproved minutes, agenda  and e-mails for all of the supervisors.

C Freeman moved to authorize Fry to proceed with website with supervisors being given consideration to content and bring facts back to the May meeting.  Mead second.  All ayes, motion carried.

Northshore ATV Club Request for Support

A letter was received from the Northshore ATV Club requesting support for a Grant and Aid trail.  A lengthy informational discussion was had with questions taken by the Northshore ATV Club officers.  Freeman requests names of citizens that were willing to work with the ATV Club to see if a compromise on this issue could be reached.

Resident Chris Larsen presented the following and requested that it be placed in the record:

Pequaywan is in the Cloquet Valley State Forest.

The Minnesota Legislature has directed the Department of Natural Resources to complete by 2008 an OHV reclassification of all State Forests. Recommended reclassifications of several northeastern State Forests are now approaching the point for public comment. The Cloquet Valley State Forest undergoing this process of forest OHV classification and OHV planning. The map of the forest has been released and is attached, it is a draft map, bear that in mind.

The next step in the process is to present it to the public at two meetings in June on about the 20th and 21st. At that time you can learn more about the plan, although more will be available on the DNR website sooner.

Trail planning in northern Forests has become more contentious because the Legislature intervened through the infamous “North of Highway 2” legislation which directed DNR to declare all Forests in the region to have “Managed” status : OHV road and trail use allowed unless posted closed) rather than the possibility of “Limited” status which restricts OHV use to roads and to trails clearly posted as open. (Some forests are closed to all OHV use.) DNR has some flexibility in the matter but legislative intent is all too clear.

Counties are the wildcards in OHV planning. Counties in northwestern Minnesota have been strong ATV supporters. St. Louis County has been very strongly supportive of OHVs and ATVs. The tougher decision making stages of trail planning have yet to occur and use of county lands and right of ways are on the table. Fortunately, local opposition to more extreme ATV proposals has led County officials to review their course and they have sent the plan to the public without an endorsement of either limited or managed designations.

The Friends of the Cloquet Valley State Forest supports the designation of the forest as Limited and within that structure will try to work with others to find trails for reasonable use of ATV as a form of transportation and recreation in the forest. ATVs, however, have proven to be especially damaging and intrusive in the some areas of the CVSF and almost everyone seeks to preserve and protect the areas from harm. The County has worked with the DNR on this and the plan is being sent out without a determination of what designation it will be.

The plan is based at this point on a “Managed” designation, the most liberal one legal for the forest. The other designations are the compromise “limited” in which motorists have to stay on trails like the Northshore Club is proposing. But at this time they can go on anything that appears to be a trail. Not just marked ATV trails. If you think it’s sensible for ATVs and Trucks and Motorcycles to stay on Marked Trails like the Northshore Club trails, then you want the “limited” designation. Otherwise trails like the Northshore one is proposing will be in ADDITION to all the other trails. If you think this is confusing you’re right. We have our legislature to thank! There are lots and lots of different kinds of roads and trails that OHVs are permitted on, learn the difference. Read the attached information. When you read information consider the source, is this someone who derives their livelihood from OHV business? Factor that into the equation. Clubs receive reimbursement from many sources. They get funding via the county and DNR from funds derived from gas taxes and registration taxes, they get support from the industry in the form of grants and gifts, they get support from those who sell ATVs in many different forms. A big part of their work is as advocates for the ATV industry.

The problem with the “Managed” designation, is even if a specific trail is ideally constructed and situated, even if there are no objections to a specific trail. As long as we have a “managed” forest instead of the limited designation ( Limited makes sense and provides far more riding than the closed forest)

If we support more trails in a “Managed” forest, we will have all the problems as before, with MORE ATVs trucks and motorcycles. People will wonder why are they still riding on the ditches and sides of the roads? Why are they coming thru trails and ending up on my property? Why are they making a mess out on Fred’s place, they’ve got a mud pit. Why is there an ATV rental agency down the street?

So on or about June 21 you’ll have a chance to hear what the DNR and County have to say,
from then you can give information to them. Do so in WRITING and send the responses BOTH to the County Commissioners and the DNR.

This is not hard! And it’s all that is asked of you as a citizen, participate! Let them know your questions and your thoughts.

Be polite and specific. These folks are all good people working hard.

Ask the DNR and County Commissioners to make the Cloquet Valley State Forest a Limited Forest. Then and only then will Grant in Aid trails solve problems

Please take every opportunity to offer written comments to our County and DNR. A good turnout for the open houses that are planned for on or about the evenings of June 20 and 21 will help the DNR and County understand that while we wish to be tolerant of other’s hobbies, we do wish to put the needs of the forest first.

Forrest Boe
500 Lafayette Road
Box 52
St. Paul, MN 55155-4040
651 259-5615
Brian McCann and Forrest Boe
500 Lafayette Road
Box 52
St. Paul, MN 55155-4040

(651) 259-5627

3rd District
Commissioner Bill Kron, Board Chair
Please share with All Commissioners
Room 208
100 N. 5th Avenue W. Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 726-2562

Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this shall be interpreted so as to give them the same meaning as they have in common usage and so as to give its most reasonable application. The words “must” and “shall” are mandatory? the word “may” and “should” is permissive. Words used in the present tense shall include the future, and words used in the singular number shall include the plural number as well.

ATV All terrain vehicle” means a motorized flotation tired vehicle of not less than three low pressure but not more than six tires, that is limited in engine displacement to less than 800 cubic centimeters.

County Administered Tax Forfeited Lands: State owned lands held in trust for the taxing districts which are administered by the County
Designated trails. – Trails that are indicated on maps, and/or signed for specific uses.

DNR: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Forest Road: are not public roads like federal, state, county or local highways. Forest roads are typically open to use by both highway –licensed and off highway vehicles but are subject to closure to some or all types of vehicles at various times for safety or resource management reasons. Forest roads are classified as system or minimum maintenance depending on the frequency of use and intended maintenance standards

Highway Licensed vehicles: Any motor vehicle current and duly licensed for public highway/road travel.

Limited Forest – means motorized vehicles may operate only on forest roads and trails that are posted or designated as open.

Managed Forest- Motor vehicles may operate on forest roads and forest trails unless they are posted and designated closed. Signs will need to be posted if trails cross private land and the owner wishes to keep the public off.

Closed Forest -Motor vehicles and snowmobiles are not allowed Minimum Maintenance road – forest roads that are used for forest management access on an intermittent basis. These roads normally are not through roads and may be gated and opened only during certain times of the year. These roads are typically not maintained to the level where low clearance highway vehicle can routinely travel on them and will be signed for specific uses.
Motor Vehicle – Any self propelled vehicle including, but not limited to , automobiles, trucks, dune buggies, minibikes, motorcycles, trail bikes, and all terrain vehicles (ATVs), but not including snowmobiles.

Nondesignated trails – trails that are not designated and signed for a specific use and are therefore generally closed to motorized use in a limited forest. They all remain entirely open in a “managed” forest unless specifically closed.

Non Motorized trail: Trails that are designated and/or signed for recreational use including but not limited to walking, hiking, ski, horse and bicycling.

OHM “Offhighway motorcycle” means a motorized, offhighway vehicle traveling on two wheels and having a seat or saddle designed to be straddled by the operator and handlebars for steering control, including a vehicle that is registered under chapter 168 for highway use if it is also used for offhighway operation on trails or unimproved terrain.

OHV – Off Highway vehicle a generic term used to refer to all terrain vehicles (ATV), off Highway motorcycles (OHM), and off road vehicles (ORV).

ORV “Off road vehicle” means a motor driven recreational vehicle capable of crosscounty
travel on natural terrain without benefit of a road or trail. Offroad vehicle does not include a snowmobile an all terrain vehicle a motorcycle a watercraft a farm vehicle being used for farming a vehicle used for military, fire, emergency, or law enforcement purposes a construction or logging vehicle used in the performance of its common function a motor vehicle owned by or operated under contract with a utility, whether publicly or privately owned, when used for work on utilities a commercial vehicle being used for its intended purpose? snowgrooming equipment when used for its intended purpose? or an aircraft.

System Forest Road – are more frequently used and will typically be designed and maintained to a higher standard graveled with class five material that allows use by most highway – licensed vehicles

In state forest land classified as managed:

* Motor vehicles may operate on forest roads and forest trails unless they are posted and designated closed. Signs will need to be posted if trails cross private land and the owner wishes to keep the public off.

* Counties may adopt a resolution to modify the above restrictions on county-administered land within state forest boundaries.

* EXCEPT: Persons lawfully engaged in hunting big game or constructing hunting stands during October, November and December, retrieving big game during September, or trapping during open seasons, may use ATVs off forest trails in a manner consistent with the general operating restrictions. This exception does not apply in the Richard J. Dorer Memorial Hardwood Forest.

In state forest land classified as limited:

* OHV use is permitted on state land and on county administered land within the boundaries of a state forest on all designated OHV roads and trails. These will have signs.

* Counties may adopt a resolution to modify the above restrictions on county-administered land within state forest boundaries

* Motor vehicles may operate only on forest trails or other areas that are posted and designated open.

* EXCEPT: Persons lawfully engaged in hunting big game or constructing hunting stands during October, November and December, retrieving big game during September, or trapping during open seasons, may use ATVs off forest trails in a manner consistent with the general operating restrictions. This exception does not apply in the Richard J. Dorer Memorial Hardwood Forest.

In state forest land classified as closed:

* Motor vehicles and snowmobiles are not allowed except:

o Vehicles licensed for highway use may use forest roads that are not posted or gated closed.

o Vehicles may operate on frozen public waters where it is not otherwise prohibited.

o Snowmobiles may operate on designated trails.

Kristin Larsen is a member of Friends of the Cloquet Valley State Forest
More information is available regarding the issue by contacting

The group is devoted to responsible development in the Cloquet Valley State Forest

Meeting Dates

May  Monthly Meeting May 8 at 7:30 PM.

C Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45  PM.  Fry seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt Date



List of Volunteers

The following residents have volunteered to work with the Northshore ATV Club to discuss if a compromise can be reached for the club to build a grant and aid ATV trial in the Pequaywan Township area.

Dave Allison
9211 Pequaywan Lake Road
Duluth, MN 55803

Ray Barnes & Deb Pomroy
8143 Pequaywan lake Road
Duluth, MN 55803

Bonnie Dressen
9241 Pequaywan Lake Road
Duluth, MN 55803

Kris Larsen
9424 West Branch Road
Duluth, MN 55803





March 13, 2007 Annual Town Meeting

Meeting convened: 8:20 PM after Elections


∙ All Supervisors present in addition to Clerk and Treasurer and approximately 25 residents

Clerk Marialice Arndt called the meeting to order at 8:20 PM. A motion was made and seconded to elect Richard Arndt to preside as Citizen Monitor for the meeting. Motion carried. March 2006 minutes were read, motioned and seconded to approve. Motion carried. Motion and seconded to approve to waive reading of all checks written and received in 2006. Citizens had copies of financial report and no questions were raised. Motion and seconded to approve Treasurer report. Motion approved.

Rick Fry gave road report. He advised that the road had heaved from frost and that major patching may be needed after frost out.

The levy for taxes was discussed. Motioned and seconded that the levy remain at $23,000. Motion carried.

A report was given by Clerk Arndt on the Annual Election. Scott Mead was elected by a vote count of 33 to 22 over incumbent Brian Landstrom for the three year term of Supervisor. Incumbent Treasurer Keith Stoneburner received 16 votes as a write in candidate and agreed to continue in his capacity as treasurer for the next two year term. There were also 8 other write in candidates for treasurer with votes ranging from 1 to 4 votes each.

Motioned and seconded to authorize signing of resolution for establishing voting hours. The resolution is to read that the hours for polling place to remain open from 5:00 to 8:00 pm for all Annual Town Elections and the polling place to remain open for voting from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM for Primary, General and Special Statewide Elections. Motion carried. Additional judges will be sought to help with the longer voting times and Clerk Arndt will inquire if the head judge is in fact to be present for all of the voting.

Motioned and seconded that the monthly meetings continue to be held at the PVFD Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Motion carried. Motioned and seconded that the next Annual Meeting be held on the second Tuesday of March 2008 after the Annual Election. Motion carried.

Afer discussion of postings being placed in a local paper it was concluded that the current postings are adequate. There is however times, such as accepting certain bids, when it is mandatory to do so.

Discussion of posting minutes on website was had and Freeman advises he had inquired about placing minutes with the Association of Townships and the application is very extensive. It was proposed that an compromise to keeping all residents informed (seasonal and snowbirds) that “unofficial/unapproved” minutes be placed on the Lake Association’s website. It was advised that a disclaimer be made that the recordings are not official and not approved. It was suggested a volunteer/appointee from the Lake Association take minutes from the meeting and present them to the party hosting the website.

ATV trail ways discussion was had. The category of Managed and Limited was discussed and also the usage of side-by-side machines. At the St Louis County board meeting held March 13th the council voted to approve a DNR submitted plan for ATV usage. Within 90 days there will be public hearings to discuss this plan.

Motioned and seconded to adjourn at 9:35 PM. Motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

March 10, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Brian Landstrom

Treasurer, Keith Stoneburner

Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 7 Residents

The meeting was called to order by Chair Freeman at 9:35 PM after election and Annual Meeting.

Regular Business

The February board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Fry. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

The February treasurer report available for review. Stoneburner advises that the former insurance vendor, Country Insurance, has been notified that we have a new vendor and he also advises that the former vendor had been providing E & O insurance.

Old Business

Pequaywan Rezoning Hearing

Landstrom and Fry attended the Planning & Zoning meeting on March 8th in Virginia. The request of rezoning appeared to headed for approval when additional debate ensued and the request was denied. It was pointed out that Pequaywan does not have a land use plan. Lot size of non-riparian areas, and a challenge to county authority was presented as means of explanation. Also discussed was that water uses could be restricted by limiting outboards (DNR issues), and questioning if citizens were properly represented as the Resolution was passed in October. It was reported that Pequaywan was not instructed properly by county agents. The request was denied without prejudice. Mark Johnson with the P & Z St Louis County will continue following this issue and advise us what the next step might be.

New Business

Assessment fee for Pequaywan Township

A letter has been received advising the Al Ringer, contractor for assessing properties in Pequaywan Township, will increase his fee from $4900 to $5150. He will send out the billing after June 30th. Even with this increase his fees are lower than having this work done by St Louis County.

Gas Tax Money

A letter from St Louis County advises that the town levy must be $17307 for 2008 under road and bridge to receive gas tax money from the county.

Local issues

In response to last month’s citizen concerns about the money spent to support the PVFD Fye reported that in 2006 the PVFD responded to 27 calls of which 18 were in the township and 10 were in the unorganized area. It as discussed that it is an advantage for resident’s insurance costs to have a local fire department.

Meeting Dates

March Monthly Meeting, April 10th at 7:30 PM.

∙ Fry moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 PM. Freeman seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

February 13, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Brian Landstrom

Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 11 Residents

The meeting was called to order by Chair Freeman at 7:30 PM.

Regular Business

The January board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Fry. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

A comprehensive power-point presentation was given by Treasurer Stoneburner. With visuals of graphs and charts the township fund balance, expenditures and receipts were laid out for 2006 and back to the 1980’s.

Old Business

Auto Mark Voting Machine Insurance Coverage and Other Insurance Issues

After presentation of township finances current insurance needs were discussed. Stoneburner had done the research and proposed the board approve the resolution to have MATIT provide E & O, Workers Insurance, Liability (including the AutoMark) policies for the township. Freeman read the resolution and it was voted on. The premiums are E & O from 3-1-07 to 2-29-08 $498.00, W/C 1-1-07 to 2-29-08 $ $158.00 and PAL 3-1-07 to 2-29-08 $308.00 per year.

∙ Freeman moved to authorize signing of MATIT’s resolution to provide three policies for the township for E & O, Worker’s Comp, and Liability insurance. Landstrom seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Pequaywan Rezoning Hearing

The February 14, 2007 Rezoning hearing was postponed due to lack of a Planning Commission quorum. It has been rescheduled for March 8, 2007. A new notice will be sent with time and place of meeting. Comments or questions can still be submitted to Tyler Lampella regarding the rezoning until prior to the hearing.

New Business

County Road Maintenance Agreement

A new fee of $665.00 per mile per year for 2007-2008 snowplowing season will begin on November 1, 2007. This letter of notification is to serve as an Addendum to the existing snowplow agreement currently on file.

Local issues

Residents had questions on the rezoning and questioned what the intent of the rezoning was. Fry addressed the question and replied that it would affect new development only.

Meeting Dates

March Monthly Meeting , March 13, 2007 after the election (5:00 – 8:00 PM) and Annual Meeting.

∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. Fry seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt